
Didn’t you read the article? Especially the parts about the FB groups making racist and sexist memes out of AOC and the abuses happening down there? Do you suppose maybe they do that to be funny? Then those people are happy about how this is going. Do you suppose that maybe those people are making light of a horrible

I could see if this was just a matter of negligence and the concentration camp prisoners just weren’t getting the supplies they needed, but what makes this so much worse is the way so many white people seem to be straight up gleeful about the abuses taking place. Even if you don’t want those people in the US, they’re

People who are against reparations are against a level playing field. They wanna keep us as disadvantaged as possible. So exactly like a slave master.

For all the talk about how black folks can’t get reparations because slavery happened a long time ago and “there is no such thing as racism anymore”, sure is weird how they have a slavemaster’s mentality, ain’t it?

To the trolls, save your typing. I flag and dismiss with extreme prejudice and I do not engage. I'm not here to debate the humanity of people of color 

You said an absolute word. In so many people eyes a childhood is for white children only. Us folks of color aren’t deserving of the protection, care and innocence that they deny us and actively steal from us. In their perspective our children are no better than the adults and in their minds the adults are no better

I’m not particularly a “scholar” of WW II, but I did minor in history with a concentration in the European theater of that war—and I lived in Germany for five years (had the opportunity to visit Auschwitz, as well).

Based on that education and those experiences, I can only say the following:

Americans tend to conflate

Um 27 years olds we’re going to jail for going after 15 year olds when I was a teen & Aaliyah was a bit younger than me. And quit acting like some folks didn’t think Presley & Jerry Lee Lewis weren shit - plenty did!

“Robert mentioned to me that ‘I think she’s pregnant’...That broke my heart right there because I really believed him when he said that he wasn’t messing with Aaliyah…Once he told me that I was at a loss for words,” Smith added.

Wait, did this conversation happen after the marriage where you obtained falsified

So sorry about your cousin.

Finally, we have found irrefutable proof that there is no higher power. This nasty universe took Aaliyah and my cousin (her hairdresser) instead of this gross, unrepentant rapist/hack artist.

And of course, the universe being as it is, Aaliyah died tragically in the prime of her life, and this unparalleled predator is apparently on track to living a long healthy life, free to continue feeding on the young and innocent for his own perverse pleasure.

The airing of the documentary will coincide with the release of Kelly’s life long concerto grosso entitled, “G-string on A Minor.”

The GF had it right. They let this escalate, the police are going to shoot at them first and Knifey McWhitey gets the benefit of the doubt.

Black folks are rarely afforded the privilege of self defense.

Careful, some areas of the Internet will attack you with cries of ageism for that.

Donald Trump made a cameo appearance as “Gary.” Gary Trump’s shenanigans killed most of the cast (even the old white people) because after they let him in, he gained their trust and then forced them to look racism squarely in the eyes.

I legit like her in Speed. I really like that movie in general, for the same reason I like the Fast and Furious franchise - it doesn’t pretend to be anything deeper than it is. It’s a movie where people drive fast and stuff blows up. (And it also features one of my favorite Joe Morton performances.) I think she’s

She’s actually 54, I just looked. And while she doesn’t look 54, I don’t think she looks all that much younger - to me she looks like a woman of a certain age who has had work done, which is what she is. (She has or buys great hair though.)