I’ll go easy on Melania. When she becomes (pick one) a Senator, Secretary of State, or candidate for president, you can brag about the Putin’s sleeper agent. Don’t forget Yale Law School.
I’ll go easy on Melania. When she becomes (pick one) a Senator, Secretary of State, or candidate for president, you can brag about the Putin’s sleeper agent. Don’t forget Yale Law School.
B-b-b-b-but chain migration!
Can someone, anyone please interview her and ask her on television how she reconciles her “anti-bullying” campaign with the idea that her husband is now the World’s Most Prominent Bully?
she married for money, she had Barron to make sure she keeps her cut of the money. Once the Donald ceases to exist (please, please God do it soon) she & Barron gonna square off against Jarvanka & DipShit Bros in a scorching inheritance battle. It will be ugly. I’m hoping a couple of them will have some legal proxies…
The hell she’s better than Hillary Rodham Clinton. At least HRC’s initiatives were out of a desire to better the country.
I have much more important things to think about and to do.
Still don’t feel bad for her. She knows the scoop. But she has to play the game. Time will tell. Right now she has benefited greatly including getting her parents their initial green cards and now they are US citizens -- something that more deserving people can’t get.
Me too. Wasn’t she his mistress? He’s cheated on all his wives, quite publicly; she can’t have thought he would be faithful to her. Faithful isn’t his brand.
And she wasn't even a good model! Sorry not sorry but she would not get her pictures back from Tyra.
Reminds of when Vogue had that glowing interview of Asma al-Assad (Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad’s wife) shortly before the country imploded. Vogue has since scrubbed all traces of that interview...
Seriously. How does anyone not get this? She married him for money; she never loved or desired him. She can’t stand to touch his *hand*! She’s relieved as hell he’s fucking everyone but her. I would be too. I’d have counted the days until he found side pieces. That’s just science.
She’s fine with as long as she doesn’t have to suffer the embarrassment. She has zero issues with him screwing other women (I imagine she prefers it since that means less screwing him for her).
Money and US citizenship for her and her family.
Except it’s hard for women to get modeling contracts after they hit 30. She had to marry her useless lump of a husband before her shelf life expired.
She never cared. Please. Don’t be that naive. This marriage was never about love. This Marriage was about $$$$ from the start. Is anybody still that naive when a younger “hotter” woman marries an older, fat, man?
What is it going to take for the media to treat this family as the wannabe despots and traitors to America that they are? Are we seriously doing a profile on Melania as if she is a legitimate first lady while Trump is STILL putting kids in cages away from their parents, suppressing votes, consolidating power, looting…
donald trump rapes women.
I have honestly always thought she didn’t give a shit about his infidelity. She knows what her marriage is and what it isn’t and she’s fine with it.
I have no patience for the letter K anymore. First the Kardashian horde and now Karlie Kloss, all the cutesy misspelling of Kode, Kookies, Konfidential, Khroma, Kocktails (!!) makes me insane. I mean, I can get how it must feel so precious to have a matching monogram and all, and I think I understand the motivation…