Spot on!
Spot on!
For everyone replying to me writing 20 page dissertation defenses of Taylor is an ALLY and she’s going to lead poor pathetic black people TO FREEDOM! Y’all need to keep this same energy for the misogynoir that’s killing black women everyday. And for Ms. Burke and other black women who do the work day in and day out…
LISTEN, if y’all think that I’m going to get on my knees and praise Master Epps’s daughter for shitting in the toilet instead of on my brand new hardwood floors, then y’all got another thing coming.
I’ll just repeat what I said over at jez
No one is saying this isn’t a good move now. Still haven’t answered the question why the wait? What has changed between now and then? Marsha Blackburn has had the same voting record since 2002. Excuse me if I’m skeptical of a grand epiphany.
Timing matters. She showed up, doesn’t change the fact that she was late. She could have showed up in 2016. Poll after poll shows white women don’t show up. That’s a voting block she could have moved in the needle on in 2016. Y’all love to accept bare minimum standards when it’s your fave.
Somebody help me out. What was she waiting for? Management go ahead? More information? There was and continues to be an avalanche of information on the awfulness, sometimes people needed to unplug just to keep from drowning. It’s embarrassing that octogenarian Willie Nelson beat her to political relevance in an era…
Remember when it was jarring and uncomfortable to hear words like “pussy” and “shithole” on the news? I just saw Anderson Cooper repeatedly list the terms “boofing” and “devil’s triangle”– during a live interview on CNN, no less – as though they were a couple of small towns in Missouri. He said “BOOFING” on LIVE…
“They’re both mistaken. The Devil’s Triangle is a lady’s down-there-place.”
-Mike Pence
I really hope Ann fux wit Abduls and crabcakes.
Remember when Ann Coulter swore up and down that she never watched that Boondocks episode that made fun of her?
As if his ‘musical’ numbers weren’t embarrassing enough.
When he said "Ronan Sinatra" !!!
It was a funny bit but also chilling when he said (paraphrasing here) something about making us all pay once he’s on the bench. I have no doubt about that being true.
In other crappy family news, Jim Knoblauch has suspended his campaign as he’s been abusing his daughter for years. Maybe it’s because I’m local and this shit is everywhere, but I’m surprised y all haven’t been bothered to write anything about it yet:…
5 year old me: You should take some of them back, did you keep the receipts?
Folk talk about how hard it was to watch, and newer folk talk about how hard it is to watch now.
Next time someone asks me what the phrase “a shanda fur die goyim” means, I’m pointing to this.