
To this day, in my decade-long (and still going) career in books, Keanu has been THE most delightful bookworm/book collector/now indie publisher I’ve ever had the pleasure to sell books to. Extremely well read, and loves to discuss books with you, with so much enthusiasm.

I think he's more handsome now that he's older.

So... Who believes Keanu can act?

That broke my spirit, and that is the reason why I had one foot in, one foot out the entire time I was on that show. Maybe that was me being petty, maybe that was me thinking it should’ve been something I never should’ve expected it to be, but in that moment it was so heartbreaking because I idolized her, I

I teach summer school. Last summer I had a student whose mother was part of a Christian MLMer, dance-mom, homeschooling cult.

I chose to use a midwife, and early on she asked for an appointment where my husband would not be present. At first I wasn’t sure why she would make such a request. As soon as we were alone, she took my hand and asked if there was a history of abuse, did I ever feel unsafe around Mr. Decade, did he try to interfere wit

In this world just being murdered by your spouse isn’t enough. You have to be pregnant, he has to kill your daughters and SUBMERGE THEIR BODIES IN OIL TANKS. He has to be okay with doing all that before your story stands out as unusual or interesting.

Your comment surfaced a terrible memory for me ...

Yeah my husband’s abuse escalated when I told him I was pregnant, and I moved out around a month after I’d told him, it was getting so extreme that I felt safer leaving (not as straightforward as it might sound.) At 12 weeks I found out the baby had died at about 8 weeks, the time of the most serious incident. And

Exactly. But even worse was that she didn’t even know him or interact with him at all before. She didn’t know who he was. He came into her room multiple times and unhooked the nurses’ emergency call button and groped her the first time. Then he came back in and raped her and she was trying to press the call button but

This bastard reminds me of John List, who murdered his entire family and went on the run because he wanted a fresh start. He killed his wife and his mother while the kids were at school, and then he killed his children one by one as they arrived home. I can’t comprehend it. There’s something hopelessly fucked about

When I first heard of this story and they described her as a “successful” promoter of a company that sells health and wellness products.....I immediately thought, “sounds like an MLM. She was probably losing money. Between that and the 3rd kid on the way, I’ll bet that led to some stress in the marriage. Cue the

The Mollie Tibbetts case, like the Shannan Watts case, like so heartbreakingly many others, is about male violence and entitlement. Period. It’s not about race. It’s not about immigration status. It’s not about ethnicity or faith. It’s about toxic maleness, and a culture that conditions men to dominate women through a

One of her cousins called out people on Twitter for politicizing Mollie’s death and said something along the lines of how her family is not so ignorant that they would lump an entire group of people in with Mollie’s killer. Like, they are in mourning and at least one family member is begging people not to use this as

this pig. it’s like he is murdering her twice with this bullshit about how she killed the kids first. despicable human being.

Exactly. It´s incredibly clear, especially when you hear their disdain for all of the women (and I’m not even really talking about celebrities, but all of the millions of normal, everyday women who spoke up and shared their own metoo stories on social media) who spoke up about their own sexual assault and harassment

They are. I also assume that’s where this woman’s debt came from.  I really wish Jezebel would do a long piece about MLMs since they’re very anti-woman but mostly funded by women. 

The right doesn’t give a single flying fuck about the actual woman who got killed. They only care about her inasmuch as they can use her as a pawn.

And so does the pointless shock. In a world where violence against women is common, this shock feels tepid.” This reminded me of what I’ve been reading about the Mollie Tibbetts case. The slant the right is trying to take is in order to further their agenda. The only part that matters to me is the actual truth. That

If I’ve learned anything from watching Real Housewives, it’s that there are many women who not only don’t mind that a man is a deadbeat who has abandoned his children, but will shelter and support him as he dodges his responsibility.