
Yeah no this is a load of crap considering how hard disabled people have to work to get assistance and how much abled people judge them for it

Angelina was able to accomplish what few celebs could. She totally rebranded and changed her image from wild child and scheming man eater to Earth Mother and globe trotting philanthropist. Her image was airtight and the blogs loved her. The Brangeloonies worshipped her. She probably thought she could do no wrong. Now

That kind of speaks to her arrogance though. Not only is she slinging mud on her ex and making the divorce public, she thinks she can do it without professionals. I guess she thought the anorexic Mother Theresa/child collector act was enough to convince everyone of her sainthood and that she was above needing

Now playing

I’m disappointed I did not see “beans that make her dance”

I think you mean chickenth.

Where is the duck army!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I honest to fucking gods can’t believe that musical number is real. Thank you.

Aye. He is an awful human being. As are his other offspring.

I mean, there are a few people here with “uppity” on the tip of their tongues. You can identify them by their mentions of “social climbing.”

“‘Meghan got her attitude from her mother. Doria always told Meghan, ‘If they’re not doing anything for you, why should you do anything for them?’”

This particularly frosts me because Doria has appeared every inch a lady on a world stage. The same could never be said about dear old dad.

Also apparently a tabloid paid to tap his phone all of Father’s Day in case she called. He has made it impossible for her to have a relationship with him.

It’s not just that magazine. Every site that runs any quote from him is feeding the beast. 

It’s his fucking fault Meghan’s not talking to him,  because if she talked to him (even just to tell him to quit it with the gossip) he’d go tell some rag about it. What the fuck is she supposed to do? He’s clearly willing to tell-all, even when he has nothing to tell!

And besides, her father seems to be revealing that he’s never done anything for the Duchess since she now won’t do anything for him. He’s increasingly sounding like a parent who believes his child owes him actual money, that she needs to pay him back for raising her.

At first Markle’s behavior just made me like the new Duchess more; as this awfulness wears on, I have increasing respect for her mom for getting this terrible person out of their lives as much as possible. Also, that ridiculous “If they’re not doing anything for you, why should you do anything for them” business —

Between the tabloids and Thomas Markle, I’m not sure who has the worse case of “your white narcissism is showing”. Markle is inching up to the “her black momma gave her the ghetto side” quote, and the tabloids are furious that they can’t directly fuck with Meghan without getting justifiably called racists, so they’re