
“...and appeared to have a job.” I feel so sorry for us as women that this is the low bar that men have to cross. In my long deleted dating profile, I indicated that I was an “educated and professional woman looking for the same in a man,and you wouldn’t believe the amount of hate messages I got calling me a cunt bit

He apparently lives in Paris now and is looking good! I too wish good things for Macaulay Culkin, growing up with parents like his must have been horrible.

“I was writing about this show and doing research at the same time. We go on Tinder and probably swiped on everybody in Los Angeles. We were not even looking, just swiping. I had 252 matches that night, and 400 the next day. So I was going through them all, and one of them had a really cute message. And I said, ‘Oh,

And then there’s this:

I will NEVER get past the fact that a president of the United States calls Putin his friend and the free press the enemy of the people.

Totally.  Though while I agree that someone may not know if Valerie Jarrett is black, Roseanne previously called Susan Rice “a big man with swinging ape balls” so this really isn’t her first time making racist statements.

The Roseanne video makes me so fucking happy. Sorry sweetheart!!!!! Being an open racist has consequences!! ENJOY THEM.

I think what you’re seeing is a wealthy lady finally paying some consequences for her behavior. 

I mean, it’s okay to have compassion for awful people. You’re human. 

Yeah, she seems in a really bad place and it bugs me that I feel sorry for her.

Shocker. Roseann is still awful.

Ok, I have zero sympathy for Roseanne’s racist bullshit.  However, jesus.  She is either a) having some sort of mental health crisis, or b) on some serious drugs.   Either way, yikes.

They ignore it. They accuse the child of making it up to get attention. They categorically deny that the accused could or would ever do such a thing because ‘that just doesn’t happen in families like ours.’

Y’know, everyone always says that, but when you ask “What are you going to do FOR the victim?” there’s a long silence, usually for decades. 

I made one outcry, in a therapists office, with my mother present, when I was 8 or 9. It wasn’t even about the worst of it. My mother lost her fucking mind and was weeping and wailing and made it so much about herself that my issue pretty much got ignored and never spoken of again. She deliberately derailed that

I deserves to be said as a reminder, these families are NATIVE AMERICANS, native to this land. Some from equador, South Mexico even close to the border don’t speak Spanish and are cousins of Apache, Dine Hopi and many tribal families.

That child is absolutely traumatized. She will never be the same after this. Events like this change you.

What human being would dare to tell a mother that they were taking her child and that she would never see her again?  

Same. This man should be dragged into the light and shamed forever. After he is relieved of his duties and stripped of any kind of pay or pension.