Miriam Margoles does not actually knowing who she is meeting way better.
Miriam Margoles does not actually knowing who she is meeting way better.
They do the family moments in Fixer Upper as well. I edited a reality racing show and we had to have those segments showing “normal life” which of course were all setups and possibly things the contestants would never have done otherwise. Those bits always stand out to me.
That’s an interesting angle! I’ve never seen Flip or Flop (I’ve sworn off reality TV for years), but I remember how hard TLC worked to try and make Jon and Kate Plus 8 look like they had it all together, for most of the episodes anyway, but when you hear about how things actually function in their home, it’s really…
Some of those people, it makes sense that he doesn’t recognize, because of his age. Like, Jaleel White has not been in the public eye for a while, and this kid probably wasn’t even born when Family Matters was on. Boy George, I guess his age could excuse him, but he’s got a pretty iconic look.
I’ve worked on film sets for 20 years, the measure of how decent a person a celebrity (the actor types) is, is if they know who you are after working 12-18 hour days with them for a month or two.
To be fair, I ran into Green Day on the street about a month ago and had no idea idea until one of the people I was with said, “Yup, that was Green Day walking into the Number 5 Orange back there.” It’s weird when you don’t recognize someone on the street that you immediately recognize on a screen or poster or…
Puhleez, that queen definitely binge watches ALL the Real Housewives.
I edit reality tv, and this is like nails on a chalkboard when he does this. It’s common practice to drop in subtle lines that buttress the conceit of a show and not let on that all the participants have been briefed on the story points to be hit, the arguments to be had, etc. But Hollywood Medium is so ham-fisted…
I despise every person who works with this scam artist.
I love Terry Crews.
By the way, in the Senate hearing Crews explained very eloquently why fighting back was not an option for him:
I think this is an appropriate statement for literally everything Donnie and Melania have done since walking into the White House.
Yes, this isn’t being said enough. She should never, ever wear this at ANY time as the First Lady. It’s faux provocative casual wear, it doesn’t make any sense for someone in her position to wear this. What are they trying to distract us from?
I know. It’s maddening. We have been playing the game wrong for a good 40-50 years now. We assumed good faith. We assumed a sense of shame.
It’s an enormously stupid thing for a first lady to wear any time, anywhere. Period. It’s for fucking petulant teenagers.
Even if she just wore it on a “regular” day! On vacation! And not amidst any controversy. This is complete madness.
Is it really “just a jacket” if it literally says “i don’t care.”
I wonder if I wore a dress that said “fuck you public library patrons” if my boss would see it as “just a dress.”
The First Escort appears to be throwing another passive aggressive tantrum.
This was not an accident, it was definitely planned. They’re desperate for anything to change the conversation, so they’re trying to set a trap for people to obsess over this (and more specifically to create a backlash and then a counter-backlash) rather than focus on the children being kept in cages. See also:…
Remember all their freak outs over seeing her upper arms exposed?