
Oh, man, when Britain introduced free health care, a gynecologist of the time wrote about seeing so many women who had had so many babies that their uteri had just prolapsed all the way out, and they just packed them back in and wore constant, improvised diapers/bandages to keep them in place. They couldn’t afford to

Dear mother of god

I just clenched. Hard.

My great grandmother died of sepsis after the birth of her 14th child when her uterus came out as well and the midwife was not sure how to put it back in (answer, not that way).

I hope he sues this Berk so bad he goes crying home to Mummy. (And the HFPA goes crying home to Mummy, 2.)

Gods and Monsters, that was brilliant!

I’m Bedazzled by this take.

Team Bedazzled!

If you are poor or not white, you’ll be judged on your actions. If you’re a white affluent male, you’ll be given all the chances.

Team EncinoMan!

So now sexual advances and assaults are just ‘a joke?’

Who the hell cares if it was “intended as a joke.” How many little jerks snapped my bra, slapped my ass or honked my breast because they thought it would be funny? That they were joking and didn’t mean ill? Intention doesn’t matter when the violation of your bodily autonomy is breached. Fuck them.

They have always been a consistent ally in the Pacific, and trump pissed them off straight out of the gate.

Pissing off Australia is really an amazing feat. Australia has long been the foreign policy apparatus’ favorite country because they never ask us for anything and they always back us up on what we want to do.

After watching what’s happening on the borders as people try to flee the regimes we’re actively propping up (ahh, the 80s all over again!) I’d even debate that.

Or they can afford borrowing $1.5 trillion from the future to give to corporations and the wealthiest Americans, but they still want to claw-back $ from CHIP

And we can afford a boondoggle of a wall.

Even Canada is pissed at us. This shit is not helping.

Was Brent Bozell unavailable? Scott Baio?

everything is fucked up