
Well, maybe if we stopped worrying about a guy who was important 20 years ago and started focusing on the serial predator sitting on the fucking Supreme Court, we could change that. At this point, worrying about Bill Clinton doesn’t even help Monica. Meanwhile, Clarence Thomas continues to get a free pass.   

I think we can admit that clinton is a fucking sleazebag and move on. It’s amazing how much ink the conservatives are spending on the clintons to redirect from the fact that trump is literally the worst. We get it, clinton was a sleazy womanizer. he was also the last good republican president, so whatevs.


I am having an even bigger problem with people trying to equate the drivel that was Roseanne with All in the Family.

All Roseanne did is the basic “comedienne goes big” deal where they turn your stand up set into a show. See Tim Allen, Seinfeld, etc.

Seeing as though even the reruns are halted so that Roseanne can’t make any money, I doubt there’s any reboots on the horizon.


Whenever I see this Chris Crocker gif pop, I’m constantly like ... my how his image has changed (even though he appears to have the same fun personality).

Yeah, like .. pretending to be a racist tinfoil hat piece of shit is okay with her?

Or for The West Wing, where he was President Glenallen Walker.

I really liked the premise of Sara Gilbert’s family. Single mom, rebellious teen daughter, and a gender-nonconforming child. I think they should take that premise and make a brand new show, but relocate the setting, give the characters new names and cast entirely different people as the grandparents so that Roseanne

I decided not to try and see her on Broadway because of that. I actually really like Metcalf as an actress, but I just can’t anymore with these people. I can support artists of color with that money.

It’s too bad there’s no way to retroactively award John Goodman an Emmy for the first season of Treme. That’s the Emmy he deserves.

Yeah, not getting the love for Goodman acting like he’s a doddering 98 year old who doesn’t know what Twitter is or what’s happening in his own industry. Fuck him.

I kind of think that as long as they use those characters, Roseanne would still get some money? Which, if true, defeats the purpose of canning her ass in the first place.

John Goodman credits Roseanne, the person and the show, as the thing that got him his break. Prior to Roseanne, the show, he was apparently always just two steps away from being homeless - he got work but it was never enough to pay the bills. After Roseanne, he was a star.

I had a conversation about this with my roommate yesterday, and admitted that while I have never had anything close to the money offered to the Roseanne cast offered to me for anything, I would hope my principles would keep me from accepting the money to work with a known racist. She is not great on the nuances of

He’d rather say nothing than cause more trouble? Because the most important thing about racism is not making a fuss when confronted with it?

If John Goodman ends up saying something racist or sexually assaults somebody im just never watching TV again.

I don’t know much about the politics of either Goodman or Laurie Metcalf, but unless they felt a need to come back on a personal level, I never understood why they did this show. Metcalf in particular has been getting rave reviews and an Oscar nomination this year, for fuck’s sake. Plus all she has to do is make a