
I don’t know why it’s such a hard concept for some to grasp that loyalty and respect are earned or lost in the same way-by your behavior.

Roseanne doesn’t know how to shut up. That made her a great TV character, and also a terrible human. I hope we can all just ignore her soon.

When you have to demand loyalty, you don’t deserve it.

It’s truly depressing how many times this cartoon has to be re-activated:

“What did she expect them to say? ‘We’re totally OK with Roseanne tweeting racist comments!!’???”

Roseanne is completely unhinged; she did not take “a few hours to gather her thoughts, then continue” as the article says, but tweeted and deleted ALL FRICKING NIGHT LONG after vowing to quit Twitter mere hours before.

There’s a post on Blind Gossip saying that one of the Roseanne actors was planning on buying a house, which is totally out of the question now, it seems.

This is my argument for a real royal family. Because otherwise, we have Trumps and Kardashians, and now that they’ve posed up a storm in what used to be an important place, I’m not sure the country can go back. What’s next, John Cena for Secretary of State?

and she won’t support Roseanne Barr having free speech?

Donald Trump....Kim Kardashian....discussing a domestic policy issue.

Clearly, Roseanne is not even remotely sorry for what happened. Here are all the people she’s blamed for her own actions while she’s busy retweeting conspiracy theories and ape pictures of Valerie Jarrett.

Thank you. Hopefully cast members will remember to distinguish between drug-addled, boozy, racist rants and comedic talent when deciding who to work with in the future.

Sara Gilbert can fuck right off with her equivocating. She was one of the producers of the show and helped to get the show rebooted. She knew she was getting in bed with a deranged nutjob. Then she tries to make it seem like the show can exist separately from Roseanne and Roseanne’s opinions shouldn’t have any effect

Exactly. She just cost each of them tons of money. It shouldn’t be a surprise that they’re now pissed at her.

Girl, Roseanne, go take a walk. You have a beautiful nut farm. Take your dogs and walk.

I think her chiding them takes a lot of nerve because she has cost them all a shit-ton of future earnings. Just because she killed her career is no reason for them to go down with her.

I can’t even with people saying Roseanne’s cast mates are stifling her free speech. She has free speech, but so does everyone else. No government officer is knocking down her door to give her problems, silence her, or lock her up. The first amendement only protects you from the government, not from being shit-canned

When you have to demand loyalty, you don’t deserve it. Nothing Roseanne ever did for these people mean they have to go along with anything she says.

Morticia goes to Washington.

Keep digging that grave, Roseanne.