
Don’t forget the evil grin and psycho stare.

Did anyone see the White Power sign thrown by the cop in the driver’s seat? Check it out at about 1:39.

Wait a minute, I’ve seen that cop before without his mask on.

It doesn’t matter if the case gets eventually gets dismissed. If your dog bites the wrong person badly enough they’ll sue you. The dog owner will still have to take time off work, hire a lawyer, show up to court and prove becky brought this on herself.

Pence keeps asking about the difference between mother and motherfucker. Someone needs to tell him one is his wife and the other is his boss.


Trump is basically an immigrant. His posture is defensive. He is the first president who has 0 grandparents born in the U.S. No one in his family has ever been in the military— not even the coast guard. He acts this way towards immigrants because he is worried someone will accuse him. Also why he attacked Obama

He runs like ICE is after him.

They are apparently no longer accepting donations since they’ve exceeded their fundraising goal by more than double. They plan to use some of the extra cash toward a taco truck and some piñatas, and they encourage anyone else who’d like to donate to consider contributing to this cause: https://www.immigrantdefenseproje

“They’re yelling, they’re claiming things that aren’t true,” Schlossberg said as he cowered behind a black and red umbrella.

Here’s me today:

Manhattan’s congressional representative and the Bronx Borough President have both filed complaints with the disciplinary committee of NY State court system with the intention of having him disbarred.

“I pay for their welfare.”

By Odin’s beard the Hemsworth father is jacked. Pretty sure he could lift Mjolnir with those arms.

“Sadly, the entire white side of my family are trash and I have to live with this burden.”

God, her half siblings are so bitter and so jealous. I feel sorry for her. How embarrassing.

My family would be utterly humiliating. So grateful to not be famous!

Mehan’s dad does have a heart condition and he is 73 -sad, but probably for the best. My Grandma was the same age when my brother got married in Italy and it was really chill with lots of time out to rest over a couple of days and she found it very stressful with only minor health conditions. I can’t imagine the

I literally can’t wait for this royal wedding shitfest to be over. I wish them all the best, then the media can shut up about this poor woman’s screwed-up family.

Do 20 year olds even KNOW that Leo used to be like really really hot? But now he just looks like Jack Nicholson? I’m confused for these poor girls.