
I was disappointed that she didn't crow.

Yeah, how she sat fanning herself as Maggie Gyllenhaal gave her acceptance speech, looking like she was thinking, "Oh FFS, wrap it up!"

I knew a young woman who, at 18, hid her pregnancy and then delivered her baby by herself in her bathroom at home. I saw this girl at least once a week throughout her pregnancy. It was just as you described the woman in your story: she had that slight roll over her waistband (she wore regular, snap-and-zip jeans) that

Mr. Sanchez had a co-worker who had Carpel Tunnel surgery done on both hands at the same time. As a result, his wife had to wipe his ass for him while he recovered. I told Mr. that, while I love him more than tacos, he'd be on his own in the bathroom. Mr. replied, "Don't worry; I'd sit there until it dried up and blew


Did Lassie come!!! LMAO

How have you lived this long??

Oh you know I made them feel plenty guilty. I was waited on by them hand and foot while I recovered.

It was pretty rough. That's a skillset I didn't possess before.

Someone posted their injury and advised never do the dishes when you are angry. That's good advice, friends.

I put salt on my oranges. Also my watermelon.

Damn, she gave her the Big Ig.

WTF, people. It's like they think she traveled there in a bubble, stepping out only to try on her wedding dress. Why only target this shop? Did she eat out while she was there? Did she shop or go anywhere else? If you're going to be that stupid, might as well go all the way with it. Might as well find out every damn

If that's the endgame, I'm renting a backhoe for her right now. Anyone want to chip in?

I have four kids, and I live in California. So fuck off, Russell.

My mom was watching some CSI type show yesterday (it may have been CSI for all I know), and she wondered aloud why Jamie Lee Curtis was doing TV. I explained this very concept to her.

My daughter loathes Russell Crowe with the fire and fury of a million exploding suns. I feel I have raised her right.

You're right. I was so busy being outraged, I forgot the happy ending.

I don't understand all the anger; I love dogs. My best friend is a black lab! - Sarah Palin