In all fairness, you throw that same meatball to my 70 year old mother and she’s at the very least standing up into second.
In all fairness, you throw that same meatball to my 70 year old mother and she’s at the very least standing up into second.
$28,000 worth of porn? Jesus, his hand must look like the claw in an arcade prize machine.
If you are an adult and leave something behind at your parents’ house without an explicit agreement that they’ll store it for you indefinitely, you can’t be mad if they end up throwing it away. Their house is not your storage locker and if you really cared about your possessions, you’d have brought them with you or…
I feel like, if you’ve dropped $30k on porn, you’ve got some pretty specialist preferences. Leaving that shit for your poor parents to look after is your own damn fault. This dude is a wanker in more ways than one.
I wouldn’t be surprised if there had been several months of emails from his parents asking him to come fetch his porn. Also, who the hell still has physical porn?
Mass transit is evil socialism but giving billions and billions to private sector leeches who will do nothing with it to actually help the problem is fine.
The Magary household in a few weeks...
It’s fucking amazing to me that spending at least $11 billion to improve commute times is more politically viable that just adding real mass transit to an area desperately in need of it.
I am perfectly willing to accept my 92-year old queen probably has some deep-seated racial issues that were never properly confronted. But I’m also 100 percent certain that all brit tabloids are nightmare garbage rags who’ll take any hate-filled position if it sells a single copy more than a non-hate filled one, and…
Neither Celebitchy nor the Sun are reliable sources to put it mildly. Both Harry and William inherited Diana’s privately owned jewelry and Meghan has been seen wearing various iconic pieces of that collection so she already has some impressive jewelry at hand that she can wear without the Queen’s consent. She was…
Gotta love how the racist Brit tabloids straight up projects their racism onto the fucking queen.
I mean, seems a bit shady, but overall it seems much more a misdemeanor compared to the other stories. The kid seems like he legitimately participates in the sport and has a ~.500 record at the college level. He also was apparently a National Merit Scholar commended student. So, while his dad may have bought his way…
Happy Duke Schadenfreude Day, everybody!
Darn right more big hitters should do this. If your opponent is going to attempt to cheat on your serve then you need something to keep them honest. I loved the nonchalant nature of it. Heck, it’s like Baseball, I don’t see why some of these guys exposed to the extreme shifts just don’t drop something down the…
Rafa returning Del Po’s serve at last year’s US Open.
Ah. The tennis equivalent of the Eephus.
Or as I call it, “serving.”
See, that actually is a really good way to look at it. I would say birth control is a commitment to yourself and your future more than a commitment to any specific dude -- but I also understand that a 20something who’s still leaving her hookup’s house through the back door so he won’t reject her may not quite be at…
I think it’s intentional. Annie using Plan B as birth control speaks to a couple of different things:
I agree with Lindy about the politics here, but I also kind of wanted to shake Annie for using the morning after pill as birth control. A, that’s not what it’s for and I’m not sure using it that way is really good for you, and b, she’s an assistant calendar editor. She probably makes $35k a year. She should not be…