Dr Mrs The Monarch

I meant his persona on the show. Personally, I think there’s no way anyone whose life is based on showbiz, like RuPaul’s — not talking about just drag here — can just be themselves on camera on a regular basis. At least, not their whole self. People create personas for public consumption, and that’s healthy and

Is that having cake and eating it too, though? RuPaul’s persona is a character, and that character has evolved to include a motherly role on a show where it makes sense.

When I was in college I had a contact lens break in half on my eye while I was wearing it. I felt something go wrong—like I had sand in my eye, almost—and then half a contact lens came out into my hand. The pain was insane and I couldn’t find the other half.

How delicate do you have to be to perceive a criticism of establishment activity as an attack on “centrist Democrats”? That the comparison of policy approach to a saltine cracker feels like an insult?

While I understand the “Vaping is better, I guess” point, I don’t think that’s the majority audience for vaping. We’re talking mostly about new users that haven’t smoked a cigarette.

Teachers without basic empathy for their students are jackasses.

So how crazy is it that I can watch this trailer and think they don’t look poor because the whole thing is super familiar to me? Like, hi I lived that life, doesn’t look especially unusual. (Save the racial slurs, thank God.)

You reply as if I said I support vaping instead of nothing for kids. That’s dumb and not what I said, and you know that. At a bare minimum, make your argument in good faith.

Some of my best friends smoked cigarettes in seventh grade—I still remember sneaking behind the buildings at school and hanging out with them while they smoked during lunch. If I could go back and time, I’d swap their cigarettes for vapes, no question.

Stories please.

I worked at a water park one summer in high school. They are, in my personal experience, places mostly run by people who have no business running rides or even ensuring children don’t drown.

I’m with you. I like rougher-looking jewelry and this falls into my wheelhouse of weird, postmodern architectural shit that I’d wear to death nicely.

That’s not marketing, that’s branding (the relationship between the consumer and the business/whatever). But good on ya, trying to sound like this is something you’re good at.

The goal of marketing is to bring the horse to water, not to make it drink. The campaign worked.

if that makes me a piece of shit

You completely misunderstood me. I was agreeing with you.

How old are your kids? Are they adults yet?

And to be perfectly frank the idea that a friend = an enabler says a lot about someone’s idea of friendship. Yikes.

I’m actually kind of mad at the Vox article (and the Rolling Stone article) because I do not like Depp — I find him to be a gross, misogynist asshole who ruins films — but I also hate the way writers get close to people to get their story and then betray trust. The trust is unwarranted, and frankly often stupid, but

No. Make art with that broad brush so affecting that we can no longer ignore the shit in which we are complicit.