Dr Mrs The Monarch

Story debunked:

Totally agree with your review. For Yennifer, having a child was about having unconditional love and leaving a legacy. A legacy is a form of power, which is what she really wanted - she wanted to her bloodline to continue, and she wanted to love something of her own choosing. And just for the record, all mages and

Thank you, yes. For heavens sake. It was like Joan read another person’s criticism and based this post on that rather than watching the show herself.

I was more mad about the dead animals, mostly because I think you’ve got the storytelling purposes twisted.

Look, this is why this shit is a big deal. YA novels aren’t some kind of frivolous bullshit that isn’t worth reading because they aren’t The Great American Novel. If you’re at a university to challenge yourself academically, the Common Read isn’t the only place you can do that, and telling everyone that you joined a

I grew up in a small historic town in New Jersey and have a couple ghost stories, but this is the one I’m going to share: In high school and college I worked at a restaurant that was originally an old inn from the 1700s. One Sunday afternoon, I picked up the phone at the hostess station and had a chilling conversation

Then you have zero familiarity with how people in that part of the world dress for important church events. There is absolutely nothing (and I reiterate, nothing) out of the normal in what she is wearing for a baptism in an important church. I know this from very personal experience in the region. If anything, she

Retired Detective, dirty cop, and sexual abuser Mara Lynn Wilson lives at:
5902 Pearl Pass
San Antonio, TX 78222

Since distinctions do matter, Armenian Apostolic is neither Orthodox nor Catholic. It is its own thing, and has always been. There are similarities of course, much as Lutherans are similar to Episcopalians, but they are still definitively different churches.

Oh fuck you. “Culturally relevant”. Like that matters when the discussion is about artist’s rights. Relevance can go drown in a lake. She’s fucking amazing and you’re nobody.

Hey all. Just wanted to drop in here and give a very sincere thank you to everyone who’s read the piece and everyone who’s commented below. I had to kind of talk myself into writing this, for a number of reasons, but I’m glad I did, and I’m deeply moved by the responses here—by those of you sharing your own

Here’s the thing; produced credits only give a partial picture of a screenwriter’s credits. Chiarelli (Lim too) could’ve written dozens of unproduced films and/or done rewrites, punch-up, sold pitches, etc. None of those things would necessarily appear on IMDB or be public knowledge but would be known within the

Personally I don’t find clowns all that scary. Not having seen either part of this adaptation I can’t say for sure but I can guess that I’d hardly find that to be the scary part.

I mean. The family was probably told it was safe. I can’t imagine that they deliberately killed their 6 year old boys puppy. I also traveled with my dog in the cargo hold of a plane before. Then I saw on the news multiple times that dogs died that way and when my parents asked me to travel with her again I said no

yeah, about 20 years ago i travelled with my cat, could bring her onboard, had paid a lot of money, but the plane was full and there was not even place to put the carrier anywhere. i had to take her out of tge carrier and keep her in my lap. luckily she was the most intelligent and gentle cat i ever had and she had no

People aren’t saving money by sending their animals in cargo - they’re doing it because you’re not given a choice in most cases. There are size restrictions, customs and immigration laws, etc. that mean that many animals have to fly cargo. It’s not people choosing it as some kind of perverse way to save cash. 

The Root story was horrible. I am allergic to cats and whenever I see one on a flight I take a Benadryl & pray it’s not next to me.

I, too, am surprised that KLM allowed a dog in cargo during the summer. My sister had to move cross country for work & kept her corgi. The airline would only let dogs fly in cargo certain months so she negotiated a different starting date.

I want to address something here: