Dr Mrs The Monarch

That language is the definition of problematic for exactly the reasons that ElephantShoe described. Women should not be defined by our ability to bear children, and it was a mistake for the CDC to release any instruction implying that all women of child-bearing age are responsible for kids they may not even want.

Your zeal is impeding your reading comprehension: I did not say that not supporting gay marriage has anything to do with your veganism/vegetarian arguments. What I did say is that the way you’re arguing, the style of the debate and the insistence on your personal morality being the correct morality, is the same way

You just equated “respect for women and gay people and black people” with “respect for the earth and animals,” the latter of which, based on the comments in this thread, sounds suspiciously like veganism. People are not pigs; it is not the same. If it were you’d consider the vast majority of people cannibals.

Ironic that your way of defending women from the shit patriarchal cultural practice where women are silenced is literally silencing another woman’s lived experience and opinion. Laying the blame for rape culture on a woman speaking her experience and suggesting nothing more than nuance — “you are making excuses—for

It’s interesting how different things seem to different people, privacy-wise, trust-wise. My husband and I don’t currently use any tracking features but after reading this thread I now totally want to... to save myself the bother of texting! I’ll probably bring it up tonight.

If the issue is that the chef snuck the cheese in and said it was vegan, that chef doesn’t deserve threats, they deserve death.

This movie is in poor taste because it seems to use the attempted murder itself as an inspiration with the teenage girl slant, but blaming Eric Knudsen is stupid. He came up with a horror character and it stuck in pop culture and then humans did what they do.

There are some legal requirements for service dogs, but they’re not well-known (though you’re right about both the “trained from a puppy” thing and the lack of a registry) and they lack clarity. They’re specified in federal ADA definitions.

Just to further clarify for non-Californians, having/smoking cannabis has been legal in California basically since the recreational bill first passed. What’s changing is that now as of Jan. 1st cannabis can be legally bought and sold. (Notwithstanding the Prop 64 garbage nonsense.)

You should consider examining why you feel it’s necessary to defend anyone shooting an innocent person. Would you feel the same way if the shooter was not a police officer? Why?

I’m glad that the zoo took the responsible (and probably very emotionally painful, for the keepers) route of sensible and kind euthanasia in the face of severe geriatric illness. Tundra was a very old polar bear by all standards. I’m sure he will be missed deeply.

I might be missing a joke (???) but this casting is actually one of the good ones... Nic Cage is older than Selma Blair, but not unreasonably so. In real life he is 53 and she is 45.

A) Yes, those tops are a great example. Honestly, I know what you mean and that you mean well here, but your response is maddening because look at these models, look at the fit:

This is generally true for more architectural clothes, BUT —

If your comment is meant to allude to the fact that I used my personal preferences to make my point relatable, well, yeah—I did that.

This I actually understand, though. My GP is a woman. My OBGYN is a woman. My dentist? A woman. Notably, all those offices I just mentioned are staffed entirely (I think) with women.

I’m not pro-docking, really, but dogs don’t need their full tails to communicate. Saying a dog without a tail can’t communicate is analogous to saying a person with a lisp can’t communicate—it certainly doesn’t help, but communication definitely still occurs.

It’s for sure timing in large part—considering the national conversation—also definitely connections/nepotism to have gotten into the New Yorker in the first place.

I’m sure she’ll be fine because of how viral the story went (much to my personal mystification—it’s fine but not revolutionary but ok!) but really big advances can backfire and be a very bad thing in the current publishing climate.

So you confirm that you haven’t read the book. You’ve also confirmed that not supporting Tucker Max—who already got his payday, FYI—is more important than supporting Tiffany Haddish.