Dr Mrs The Monarch

I have no patience left for this.

Have you read the book? I’m reading it now and I have laughed out loud multiple times. As celebrity memoirs go, it’s very good, very entertaining... and yes, reads as authentic.

Eh, I think meat byproducts are a little less appetizing than organ meat in this case (since organ meat and other unusual cuts still get sold in human stores all the time).

I think big companies still do.... I mentioned 4D livestock in another comment, that’s sick/dead livestock and such.

omg that breaks my heart

Even cats on normal food (which I’m guessing means kibble) sometimes need additional taurine supplements because that food which includes meat + synthetic taurine isn’t enough. Taurine derived from meat (not boiled, not baked) is much better for cats.

Agreed. I’ve tried to bring this up a number of times to fellow Democrats and progressives, and it hits deaf ears. It gets dismissed as an excuse because pro-choice (or simply more neutral) people can’t imagine thinking of abortion as murder. But for many people who are anti-abortion, the reason is that they think it

I think that used to be the case, but now it’s become increasingly popular for upscale pet foods, especially dog foods (in my anecdotal observation), to offer non-byproduct meats in their foods so maybe not anymore.

It’s a bad idea in general for dogs and IMPOSSIBLE for cats. It’s just stupid, really, all around.

That’s horrible! Cats can GO BLIND from being put on vegetarian diets, let alone vegan. You probably saved its life a little bit.

Most people who (try) to raise their dogs vegan piss me off. Unless you’re willing to spend as much or more on your pet’s food than your own, then vegan dog-raising is not for you.

Do you mean my references to the McMansion Hell blog discussion, or the use of Beyonce’s name?

No, I’m a creative who works in branding—I saw the client case I mentioned from the cheap seats (but I did see it, all the same).

“I’m not—you are!” is quite the clapback.

It really wouldn’t be. I have a client who literally lost their brand name in its entirety even though it was also their actual last name because of a trademark conflict where the opposing brand had a name that wasn’t even spelled the same, only phonetically the same. I have seen this play out legally and I know what

I operate anonymously on Kinja for totally separate reasons, but if you think it’s all that shitty, more power to you. I genuinely don’t. And the many people who blow my mind on the regular by interacting with branded Twitter like it’s their goofy friend don’t mind it, either.

I’m not defending Beyonce’s use of samples and artistic ‘inspiration’ (like her almost shot for shot remakes of other artist’s videos). But just because I don’t agree with that practice doesn’t mean I can’t see that naming something after a brand is different from plagiarism.

I’m a (casual) fan but she does curate a lot of work to create her own. It’s just the truth.

Myself! ;)

This is actually a good point. There are a few cases where earnestness can land, but they are few and far between and almost require a history of good behavior outside the realm of most company’s abilities.