I am not enough of a Simpsons fan to get this reference.
I am not enough of a Simpsons fan to get this reference.
I disagree, I don’t find it to be shitty for the most part. Whether you like it or not, people connect with the snarkiness because it is relatable. Earnestness in the form of branded social media comes off as either try-hard or straight advertising. Most social media participants want neither.
I don’t think Dripping Yellow Madness was that full of haterade for Netflix, more observing something they don’t care for on social media, but you should watch it anyway and tell me if it’s so bad it’s good! It almost sounds like it might be a little campy, which I’d happily get behind.
I’m sorry people are being a jerk to you! Sometimes putting forth general opinions online just isn’t worth the hassle.
In all honesty as a person who does some social media management professionally (not my main gig, but I do run two corporate consumer-facing accounts) it will not hurt them. This kind of irreverence and snark is what most people are attracted to now. Earnestness doesn’t get likes and retweets, sass does, every time.
That’s interesting. I wonder, how awful can a person as young as she would have been preparing for the Olympics be to a parent and still get to the level at which she competed?
As far as I’m concerned, part of being a feminist means dismantling patriarchal values (as much as individuals have the power to do so) and part of that is revaluing traditionally “feminine” activities on their own merits.
I imagine doctors charge what they charge in large part due to healthcare insurance companies like the one you work for. The health insurance industry’s relationship with fees is not so mysterious—insurance companies, unlike individuals, often argue totals and adjust their payments based on the value they ascertain.…
I’m coming around. But seriously, that made me really angry. Probably proportionally more angry than you were at the initial comments.
Here’s the thing: you calling someone a “total bitch” is a thousand times more overtly insulting than anything else on this thread. You’re the asshole in the room.
Dude, yes, it is. And it’s not extra to think someone’s dumb for being dumb.
It is voluntary because the choice could be made to not address the issue at all. I have made that exact choice myself, back when I had no money (concerning both dental care and skin stuff in my case).
Gabby’s responses are/were a little more complex in context because she was abused by the same doctor who abused Alli. Noticeably when Gabby first said her victim-blamey stuff, Alli didn’t personally respond... Simone did.
You must see that there is a VAST difference between these two cases.
Central Coast of California. There are a few major-ish AVAs in there, so pretty doxx-proof. :)
Please don’t take what I’m about to type as a defense of Louis CK, which it is not. This is more general.
My most contentious comments on Kinja are always wine-related! My husband and most of the people I know (it’s like... 2:1) work for or own wineries, so I’m always streaming the banner.
Yes, I’ve read that story! Thor is a funny character, that’s not something Marvel invented.