because my erection points ever-heavenward
because my erection points ever-heavenward
Same! It is not nice of me, but every time I see a comment re: the timeline “continuity issues” I think, Oh, there’s another stupid take by a literalist dummy.
This is gross, but good. But gross.
When the last eagle flies over the last crumbling mountain
And the last lion roars at the last dusty fountain
In the shadow of the forest though she may be old and worn
They will stare unbelieving at the LAST UNICORN!!!
Jezzies sometimes miss deadpan humor. Trials of the internet!
Yeah, I know. I kind of felt bad replying to you directly, even! Even though I was just sharing my personal shit.
I can’t speak to a super micro penis, but I’ve been with dudes ranging from really big (eight inch camp) to small-average (four inch camp... maybe one 3.5 incher). In my personal experience, the guys with smaller dicks were noticeably better at sex. Not just better at going down on me, etc, but better at the actual…
This stacks up with my experience. I waitressed for four years on the California coast and the *worst* tippers were always young-mid-thirties aged families with young children. The moms always handled the check, and they would never tip well. As a bonus, those tables were always a pain in the ass because toddlers.
The very assumption that animals appreciate the concept of freedom is anthropomorphizing them. Just because an animal is intelligent and conscious doesn’t mean it shares human priorities.
That’s really not what domesticated means; domesticated animals are dependent on humans. In the cases of some animals (dogs and horses are great examples) there are thousands of years of evolutionary development that have led to mutualistic relationships with people.
Being sarcastic? I’m not. This blanket statement stuff about animal welfare is nonsense. I’m an animal too, and *I* do not want to be left outside (even if I go there sometimes).
If you think your three year old is happy inside, leave the door open.
Most aquariums do that now—octopus have a habit of escaping and getting into other exhibits when no one’s watching. They’re very smart; like dolphin or ape smart. It’s a different kind of intelligence (different kind of nervous system) but it is an extreme intelligence, especially for an invertebrate!
i sound funny to you?!
... why?
Here’s some information from Summit Medical Group (they are, suffice to say, not pro-pedaphile):
That’s untrue—children have the same nerve endings as adults, they just don’t have the hormone cocktail. A child can easily discover what feels good by touching themselves. I think I started masturbating on purpose when I was in 3rd grade or so? I was definitely never abused.
His texts remind me SO MUCH of a friend of mine. It makes me like him a lot.
I’m not saying I’d hit it, but if it’s self-aware I would approve. Like, be that ridiculous, you magnificent assholes. LEAN IN.
Tone doesn’t change information. You may not appreciate Fhqwgadsstar’s tone, but her comment is 100% on target. It is one thing to speculate idly about a celebrity as an internet random, entirely another to claim authority and then say something that hedges on a diagnosis. I’m not a nurse, but I am a patient (now,…