Dr Mrs The Monarch

If you can so easily ignore the point she just made, choosing instead to focus on the one element that referred directly to your experience, then she never had any chance of influencing you anyway. Your narcissism is so thick I’m surprised you can see anything not reflected in a mirror.

You are destroying it today.

One of my greatest irritations is when people I assume are intelligent argue that because developing minds (aka, preteen girls) “knew what they were doing,” that they should be tried as adults. Knowing what one is doing isn’t part of being an adult, it’s part of being sentient. Dogs are fucking sentient. Octopuses are

AAaaaaaaaaannnnnnd I’m watching this.

That’s exactly what happens, which is why everyone should be careful who they reply to so that trolls aren’t given a platform.

Thank you.

Well yeah, but assuming what’s written above in the post is true, she may not have understood — or even just known — how to stop what was going to happen. Assuming she does have special needs and lower cognitive ability, she may very well have thought pleading with her (violent toward her?) husband was all she had the

Accusing someone of racism who admitted they were racial profiling, which she did when she said ‘I don’t know if I’m racially profiling,’ is just accurate. (If you’re an adult and you need to ask, you know. It’s like asking “is it racist if I...?” Yes.)

She racially profiled someone. It was the wrong thing to do. If she had seen a white man messing with a car, she would have assumed it was his car and not have called.

I’ve been trying to figure out if Trump ever thought his wall would work, or if he was just riling up the racism and xenophobia to get elected. His fans all think Mexico is a hellhole with no jobs and tumbleweeds floating through the streets... if they’ve visited at all, it’s been to TJ. Which is like... fuck...

Just curious, what are you inking at a 1:1 scale on 24"x36"? Super tiny interior/architectural details?

The reason people like Donald Glover is because he makes engaging art like Atlanta, not because of this little speech (which I agree is pretty meh, especially for him). What has everyone’s interest is that someone who creates things that are genuinely different is being awarded anything by the same Hollywood

I know, my comment said that rescue zoos, etc., exist and are good. I was responding specifically to this notion from the OP:

I’m not assuming, I’m taking you at your word. I know you’re suggesting that people take nature hikes like it’s a straightforward solution. That indicates a certain level of privilege. Not all privilege is financial.

I appreciate your passion, but your point of view here belies extraordinary personal privilege. You seem to be insinuating that those who don’t live and work close to nature should be happy with the pigeons they encounter?

My favorite Makeup Authority on Youtube is Wayne Goss, here is his channel. He’s an actual pro makeup artist from before Youtube (as opposed to the many people who got famous on Youtube and then became pros... not to knock those people, but personally I think he’s a lot more real life and less trend-driven because of

I like Josie Maran’s, but same. :) I do layers of moisturizer, especially in the winter... the face gets a Korean snail “cream” (actually very light), then a cream-cream, then an oil, then a primer. Yeah, it’s a lot, but I get flakes otherwise.

I have really dry skin (and hair too) naturally all over and my lips are just the worst, basically cracked 100% of the time. Can cosign, Fresh lip products are a godsend!

My work’s somewhat interdisciplinary by its nature. I do multiple jobs myself, depending on the client; different clients associate me with different work. The teams/businesses I work with vary according to job specifics but I’m usually the sole [fill in the blank] on a team, working with people focused on different

I’m an independent contractor who generally works with teams — both agency and client — so yeah, I’m self-employed but I don’t exist in a bubble by myself. I have bosses, I have colleagues.