I strongly disagree with this:
I strongly disagree with this:
You commented an appropriate comment that is your opinion after reading the entire post, and that’s what commenting is precisely for.
It doubtless will, though it’s important to note that a lot of what casual non-Christian’s think of as Christian (all/most sects, including Mormonism and sometimes even Catholicism) are not regarded as ‘Christian’ by the most highly politicized sects (self-described Non-Denominational / Evangelicals). So what a Mormon…
Or, conversely, female friendships can appear to require a level of social diligence (if not subterfuge) that is difficult for many people — think ‘Mean Girls’. Living in a patriarchal society means that young men and young women are often socially conditioned to behave differently and for a lot of people, this means…
Starred for “(fucking is sports?)”, which I can hear in my head and is hilarious.
I think that’s slightly unfair. I’m a woman, I’m a feminist, and I acknowledge that patriarchal convention actively discourages women joining forces and working together... and I still have very few friends who are women, and only one close one. It *can* be more complicated to have female friendships, even if the…
This is so well written in part because you embrace the complication of being a woman, sometimes loving those people who oppress you without even trying, really, all the while being furious.
This is so well written in part because you embrace the complication of being a woman — sometimes loving those people who oppress you without even trying, really — all the while being furious.
No one in this world, so far as I know—and I have researched the records for years, and employed agents to help me—has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people.
Someone must have, because it’s for sale at ASOS.
I’m being nicer to you than I probably should be, based on your condescension regarding a subject you plainly know nothing about. You’re the strangest troll I’ve met on Kinja or you’re an aggressively bored asshole—either way you’re lucky because I like to talk about wine so I’m going to keep engaging you.
She certainly responded to those emails as if she did.
Perhaps you might consider that a random person’s enjoyment of wine is not the only way to evaluate the product. Also consider that, if what you were saying were correct, other relatively subjective things — the examples I used in my comment, for instance: food, entertainment, literature — could similarly not be…
This story is over a year old, but sure — I’ll respond. Some additional context from me: I design wine labels for a large part of my living, I live in a wine ag/tourism economy, and my husband has worked for wineries for the past decade so I am pretty steeped in wine all day, every day. It’s probably a different…
If it happens it will have something on it (rape/murder), but in no way does that take away from how very, very fucked up The Swan was.
I think groom’s cake are unnecessary—then again, so’s cake!—but they’ve been around awhile. I remember going to family weddings as a kid in elementary school with my parents and quite a few had groom’s cakes. It’s not a new thing.
I mentioned that already in another comment. They may have! Or, having the ‘M’ cover her face instead of hide behind it may have been a conscious choice to reduce the visual allegory.
I think you think that art directors and designers have way more editorial power than they actually do.
Either way, I don’t think it’s “crooked”. Bias isn’t by its nature bad, designers are allowed commentary, not all news is hard news, and the Trumpets who claim otherwise really don’t know what they’re talking about.
Eh, sort of. I think it’s the subtle things that make the difference—both Clinton’s and the Pope’s covers have them in profile to the ‘M’ (well, they both have more than one cover, so just the ones that look like devil’s horns).