There have been a number of applications.
There have been a number of applications.
But seriously, there’s no way the placement of Trump’s face below the ‘M’ isn’t intentional. Time might not be making an intentional statement, but their design team is.
TheNix made zero points that aren’t addressed in the main piece.
I have a great friend who is a feminist and a romance author, her name is Kimberly Bell. I don’t read romance really, so I may be a bad source—but I’ve read hers and they’re genuinely good! Witty tales of strong women getting it on in historical settings.
lol, yeah. he’s being a wee bit pervy there.
#rosepettles = #rosepetals = “rose petals” = euphamism for pussy
Agreed! I think the “big reveal” wasn’t even for the audience, it was for Dolores. William’s identity was key to her getting to where she needed to be to catalyst the cylon insurrection.
I’ll re-watch, but that’s definitely not how I remember it and I only saw the movie a few days ago.
As a now-married lady, I have experience in adult relationships and I can tell you it is 100% possible for women to have platonic friendships with men. Even women who have cheated on their partners in the past (that’s me, not proud of it, but it is the truth). Which do you think, that women are only friends with men…
That’s not what she says. She doubts herself because her first attempt at sailing goes shittily and says she never should have tried (obviously paraphrasing I’m not in the movie right now). That’s classic self-doubt, it doesn’t undermine every single other action she chooses to take in the movie.
When does she explicitly state that? I can’t remember a single moment in the movie that the ocean forced her to continue (though I do remember that the one time Moana asked to be un-chosen the ocean basically immediately said “ok” in its ocean-y way). It encouraged her and brought her back on board when Maui threw her…
The concept of fate or selection negating agency is really strange to me. At one point in the second half of the story, Moana asks the ocean to “un-choose” her, because she decides that the path is too difficult. While this emphasizes the ocean’s participation in the story it also emphasizes Moana’s hard work up until…
Bad/good are subjective, but to say Moana has no agency in the narrative is objectively wrong — she makes all her own decisions and her desires are the catalyst for what she chooses to do. How do you figure she has no agency?
I grew up in a non-denominational, evangelical church. A church can be both (and most of the evangelicals I’ve ever met describe their churches that way).
Yes, head to Silph Road on Reddit.
That’s unrelated though, because vaccines don’t cause autism.
My mom also does this. Just last week I had to get very serious about this shit, and one of the things I said was “Mom, The Blaze is not a legitimate news source.” It has been a slog even trying to talk to her she’s so naively misinformed.
In my mind the anti-vaxxers usually occupy that space that’s so far left (or so far right) that it’s completely gone around the circle and touched the other side. They’re basically political reavers floating in the outer quadrants. See also: people who homeschool for “spiritual/religious” reasons.
This is only going to get worse because our new President Elect is himself a vocal anti-vaxxer. Read and weep for our future:
He has a pdf up on his website that “details” how he’s going to build the wall (details here being relative, it’s a two-page pdf). His plan is to stop Mexican immigrants from sending wire transfers into Mexico if Mexico won’t pay. Trump’s reasoning is that the US is Mexico’s version of social security because people…