Dr Mrs The Monarch

Sister from another mister!!

Nope, no producer credit for Dwayne Johnson for any of the FF movies so far. He actually does not have as many producer credits as I would have imagined given his star stature, TBH.

FF is one of my very fav series so I disagree deeply that it’s in a downward spiral, but besides that I see your points (and seriously agree about TD2 I unabashedly love it).

I just lost my mind and read like 20 blind items in a row. Here’s what the consensus seems to be plus my analysis:

This was and is my dad’s methodology—incidentally, he’s a big fan of Steve Martin—and I can tell you Celebrities, They’re Just Like Us! because this works. My dad is nearing mid-seventies now and while he does show some age, he mostly just looks like Wayne. The same face as photos of him in college. It’s fucking crazy.

Last April during the Pro Swim Series in Arizona Ledecky tied time with Phelps in the 400m freestyle (in separate races) ... and it wasn’t even close to Ledecky’s fastest time.

Are you saying that Maroney’s worth is fundamentally changed *and/or* that she deserves negative attention from trolls because she chooses to show herself looking a certain way?

He truly is/was. People can still have academic discussions and occasionally make mistakes and misread.

Reading through this conversation as an observer... I understand the passage being discussed is upsetting and sometimes when people talk dispassionately about upsetting things it seems like they’re condoning them, but Eileen isn’t doing that here. He’s having an academic discussion about established historical

We’re born the same year! I’d assumed from your writing you were much younger. Mariah was my first CD ever (not first album, that honor goes to the Michael Jackson cassettes I got in second grade).

All of this [gestures at Megan’s post above] is bland?!

Where do you live where no one likes avocado?????????????

No exhaustive list was required, one example—film, human, incident—could have done. People who “hate” actors, popstars, etc. for reasons besides actual issues (it’s reasonable to hate a person who’s openly racist, but it’s weird to hate someone because you don’t like the way they look or talk) fascinate me. Like, I

So who do you think *is* funny?

I still haven’t seen that, should I?

I guess I should have expanded to be like, “and for me looks are so attached to personality I can barely piece them apart.” If I didn’t have a sense of the other stuff, I’m not sure I’d think he was any fun TBH.

Is that a compliment or a dig? Can’t tell.

The fact that he’s self-aware and in on the joke is a big part of it. Lookswise he is Chris Pine adjacent but in terms of personality he’s all about switching the script. This probably has something to do with his (real) background as a male stripper. He’s smart enough despite the tater comments—his success is proof

You keep getting emotional, first trying to mock me with your “the womyns” comment and then trying to improve your argument by writing it in bold, all caps. Don’t get emotional. Whether you’re willing to admit it or not, in this case typical corporate greed was aided by systemic sexism. It’s fine that you don’t like