Dr Mrs The Monarch

What’s with the scare quotes and made-up words? I actually quoted a phrase from you; I’m not sure what you think “the womyns” is about.

The fact that you’d so easily discount corporate coercion of a woman product designer in the 1970's is very telling of your point of reference. I know what’s “more to the story,” and I’ll tell you:

This story doesn’t confirm whether or not she invented the test while on company time with company resources. In fact, the quote from the NYT seems to indicate otherwise:

Sweet hero, if I could get to those shitheads who had you sign away your rights for a $1 I would. “This will never work but just in case it does, we want all the money.” Motherfuckers.

Be careful, apparently it’s possible to hurt yourself. (Have seen husband hurt himself while cow bell-ing.)

I did love Murder House. Agreed on the common themes.

I have all these exact same thoughts. I don’t think (hard to know for sure!) I would want a penis long term, but I am SO CURIOUS. It’s a complete, outside body appendage I don’t have, of course I’m curious! It would be a fascinating day. Like, how does it work while driving? How are jumping jacks possible???

Yes, I don’t think that excuses him? (Heh.) I can never quite tell how much continuity there will be for the characters because of the show’s penchant for recurring actors.

I think of them all as recurring characters (even when I suppose they’re not, actually), but yes. I didn’t know what happened to him, because I had to stop watching! I’m glad he got his, but something about the amputation thing is just too much for me.

You are fighting the good godamn fight

What is it with them cutting off strong women’s legs? I realize I sound like Rote Shrill Feminist right now, but it’s so disturbing for me—the symbolism, that a person loses the power to move herself through the world—and that’s the second time they did it! I had to stop watching Asylum when that psycho doctor decided

With big ticket “gifts” (honestly not even sure if an engagement ring qualifies, since it’s more like a social contract, which is weird to think about) there are more things to consider. As an outside example, if a person bought you a really nice house that would be an amazing gift ... but what if the house was 300

Thanks for correcting me! Last I heard (a couple years ago) they were stealing designs, so it’s nice to hear they’ve changed their ways. I can’t edit my original comment anymore, but my reply and a star should help keep this info near the top. :)

What bothers me most about this besides the obvious theft is that Zara could absolutely afford to buy licenses from these artists and designers to sell the exact same merchandise. Lots of companies do this (I know West Elm and Anthropologie both do, for example). This would elevate the artists and make Zara a lot more

They’re pins here, but Zara has stolen a lot of illustrations for their shirts, caps, bags, etc. as well.

I imagine they never learned to give credit because they learned that they don’t need to give credit. After not doing it a couple times and realizing that even with some negative publicity there’s very little fan fall out, why start?

In my personal experience a Jolteon—using Discharge mostly—of comparable or less CP than an Arcanine holds up way better against almost all the opponents that should, all things being equal, kick both their asses.

electric just seems pretty weak across the board.

You have you go in and do training battles to level up your gym. It will mean using up a bunch of potions (training battles don’t make Pokemon faint, so we won’t need revive at your team’s gyms).

Here to vote for the wide legged pair. *Much* more flattering and still sexy, plus way less fussy. With the exception of that album cover (which is in fact the sexiest overalls have ever been) all the rest of the ladies with the shirtless overalls look like they are trying way too hard.