Dr Mrs The Monarch

According to Wikipedia yours started in 1993 and it’s even been cleaned before! I bet it smells way better than ours.

Yah it is. Even as a kid I didn’t get the appeal. I really didn’t get the appeal as a waitress walking through it all the time. People barf in there. (I think it’s the smell... when you’re drunk, it’s a special kind of hell to smell that.)

Ha! You’re not the only gum people! (San Luis Obispo.) How old is yours? I’m curious who started this terrifying trend. Ours was supposedly started in the 1950's. My mom grew up in my hometown and she remembers it from childhood, so that’s really saying something... I’m not very young.

I love this vanity article, and your hair looks great. If you like Davines (I definitely do) I recommend the oi leave in immensely—add it after/same time as your oil and it will make your hair smell super good and be so fucking soft. It also brings out natural wave/curl.

Heidi Klum’s face. Cowell’s complete inability to respond.

For a snarky reply it’s going beautifully for the Hillary Camp. They’re getting tons of good media coverage (all neutral outlets I’ve seen have covered positively because it’s so damn funny), plus riling Trump, plus the numbers—last I checked in Twitter—are crazy in Hillary’s favor... hundreds of thousands of favs and

It is so strange for me to hear that people believe consumers have fewer rights today than in the past. I see it as quite the opposite. There have never been more opportunities to publicly decry (or build up) businesses and contractors than their are currently. The shrinking of the world vis a vis the internet has

Obviously this contractor went about *everything* the wrong way, especially phoning you with bribes and threats. That’s gross, and frankly I think he deserves your negative review. But at the same time as an independent contractor myself (though not the house-building kind) I can see how “look we clearly dropped the

I like this theory! Excellent job, you.

I haven’t had a regular period thanks to a hormonal IUD for a little over 12 years. It’s been so long I have no idea what my cycle would be like (but I don’t care much). Very occasionally I will get cramp-y and I’ll spot a bit—like maybe twice a year for one day each time—but that’s the extent of it.

I wasn’t blaming vegans/vegan foods for anything. I did mention in my initial response that some farmers take issue with the direct comparison of water used for factory farming crops vs livestock, since we do not—generally, to the best of my knowledge—apply pesticides to livestock that impact groundwater in the same

... I didn’t even mention veganism. I only replied to this statement/question you raised: “but I would really like to know what vegan foods require more water than cows because I just don’t think that is true,” so I’m not sure how “not just vegans” factors in? I don’t care if anyone’s a vegan, and just here talking

My understanding is that the water footprint of soy, lentils, and rice are all very high. Specific to cows, a lot of the water footprint research done includes the water that is used to water the crops they eat, as well as what they drink (and some other lesser things, like water for cleaning, etc). I know many ag

Regarding the cruel and inhumane part, here’s a weird/gross but physically-close analogy: if someone suggested cutting off the fingers at the first knuckle of homeless people, in exchange for homes (in this made-up illustration, ostensibly because homeless people can’t be trusted to not do something with their

Sorry for the GERD. He seems like a horrific ass and I hate him. The only thing I hate more are the people supporting him.

Have you seen what he’s posted lately? 4 hours ago:

Holy fuck what a shit-turtle. And the comedians defending him! UGH.

Thank God someone said it before me. My literal, actual thought: “What a handsome young man!”