
Yeah, that family is pretty much the personification of why Germany has outlawed homeschooling and has very strict requirements for what can be considered a religion.

oh i have another one!

They strike me as more of the "Missionary Position Using Sheet With Hole as a Barrier" type of people.

I...can not with this week as a young black woman I like to think of myself as optimistic but they are wearing me down. It upsets me because she isn't even talking to a black person and yet the n-word comes out of her mouth and all brown people look alike amirite? It flowed out too you can tell she uses it all the

With this charming example of civility how could anyone want to restrict the availability of guns to such kindly citizens?

Between this and the Rhubarb Lady I think old white ladies in this country are having some kind of existential crisis.

I was rear ended at a stop light by a dude going 40 miles an hour. He totaled my car. I got out and exchanged insurance information with him. I didn't go on a racist tirade & threaten to kill him because I am not, in fact, clinically insane.

when is it okay to threaten to kill someone's children? If this had been a black dude threatening a white suburban housewife do you think you would be making excuses for him right now?

"Unfortunate?" Oh honey. No, no, no, no.

"Hoodie provocative, " or "Turban provocative?" I hope her identity is revealed by the time I wake up in the morning. If she were a celebrity, her publicist would have already given a statement about her going to rehab. Fucking bitch! Fingers crossed that she is the wife of some mega church pastor, and she is

I second this - if this is the shit that comes out of your mouth when you're stressed, it was just always on the tip of your tongue anyway.

I have no idea, but I had the same thought! I can not WAIT to hear the non-apology/justification for this one!

I'm sitting here thinking (sarcastically): And let me guess... You have a lovely personality.

I can't help but lol at her for calling him both an Atheist and a Muslim in the same breath.

This is completely shocking...that she's not driving a BMW.

Not believing in her God or any higher power at all is just as awful as liking those darn black people. Got it. The overt hatred of black people all over the nation has reached soul crushing levels lately. As a black woman I've learned to brush most of the hatred off and keep moving on but its hard to ignore such

i wonder if she can see Mecca from her kitchen window ????

I also read those lyrics as "No, really, some dudes dig this," which... why are we mad about it? Self-acceptance doesn't preclude the desire to have someone else find you attractive.

But at the same time, she states that if you don't like the way she looks then move along. I feel like a lot of people have been reading too much into individual phrases within the song without placing them within the greater context of the song itself. Everyone wants to be seen as attractive to the sex of their

You can't leave a child alone whilst you go off to work, that's what swung having a dog for me.