And when Jesus does jazz hands, the spotlight shines through his stigmata. We are this close to a Broadway hit.
And when Jesus does jazz hands, the spotlight shines through his stigmata. We are this close to a Broadway hit.
I don't understand how stilletos are things people wear and move around in.
I'm bothered that the primary message here turns into, "I totally could have aborted my disabled child but I totally didn't." Ugh. Gross. Stop acting like choosing to have your baby and not abort him b/c he is disabled was fucking heroic, you fucking dick.
ETA: And maybe if you'd educated your fucking devil spawn about…
I refuse to believe Selena would write 'U' and Justin would write 'you'.
I'm bitter FOR you after reading that. Stay strong.
Ah Fresno...all of the California taxes and cost of living, none of the perks of living in California.
Seriously, I just can't with this... there is no way.
Piss off. It's a national holiday. Most people couldn't go into work if they wanted to.
I'm so excited I just blue myself!
I came for the gifs. I was not disappointed.
Is it too late to try her for murder? Clearly she messed up and must pay.
Between this and the rimjob article linked here today, I'm glad I'm too old and celibate for all this nonsense. I'm gonna go get me another cat and see what's on Netflix.
Maybe he actually read the book. It's almost like anyone who wants their career taken seriously doesn't want anything to do with this movie. Or something.
Perhaps it was all just too erotic for him?!
This actually made my husband stop playing GTA V for five minutes.