Cardi Party!
What is this Corgi Porn?
Did a guy create this graphic? Because the seat's up, and our poor girl up there has enough problems, man.
OMG THIS IS A THING?!?!? I just thought my bum hated me and wanted to annoy me by making me have to deal with period blood and a messy bum at the same time. Ok. I'm not weird. Cool.
Why did Orange County get the works?
That's nobody's business but the Turrrrrks
Seriously, I had absolutely no interest in this movie UNTIL I found out he was cast. Damn you, Charlie, and your ridiculously perfect body!
That's the tagline for my life.
I like to sing this song with alternate lyrics to my dog.
We need a 7-day-a-week Daily Show. 4 days of Jon, 3 of John. BOOM.
Oh, honey. Yes, it's bad design. But when you're insulting typography, it's best to have some idea what you're talking about.
Great, now I'm having PTSD flashbacks to being 8 and having to choke down three more bites of cold, limp broccoli before I could leave the table. Hurk.
In Soviet Russia, monkey spanks you!
Thank you so much for giving me ONE article that I can read on Jez without feeling like the world is a horrible, horrible place.
It upsets me that people say they're being cruel to the kitten by putting her in the outfits. They put her in them to feed her so she doesn't struggle and hurt herself by pulling out the catheter and she needs to eat. She's not on a hunger strike at Gitmo, she's an injured little kitten that needs to be fed. Many…
Maybe babies just need a slow automatic rotation as they sleep. Like being turned on a spit.
And yet she welcomes all fonts.
Atheists still horrified we're having any conversation about religion at all.