
Star wars + Oculus + Unreal Engine 4

If Gizmodo articles are a representation of how well this works, it’s not very good publicity.

Suffice it to say, I am whelmed.

The sensation of falling at 1G and accelerating at 1G are different. Gravity, yo.

Im not even sure what that means... Am I a “youngin”?

Remember they days not parking the head of your hard drive was terrifying? Man...i feel so old today.

Nah, I’m going to keep preordering for every game I’ll consider possibly getting.

Only problem is they can’t do it. Since you’re not an employee, they cannot control what goes on in a vehicle they don’t own. Plus, a lot of states have laws that would circumvent this anyway. While nice in theory, it’s not going to hold up.

Yah good luck with that Uber. I know a driver who is going to keep his gun because he has his C&C for this very job.

This will stop those criminals from breaking the law, I’m sure of it.

Corporate liability move, nothing to do with safety. CCW holders are gonna keep carrying, because how would Uber ever enforce this rule?

sooooo nno way to prevent myself from being raped by the driver. great move uber

I am pretty sure when I navigated with Gmaps the other day, it added in Waze notifications automatically as orange circles. I think it already does what you want.

yes, been waiting for Google to add in waze features so I don’t need to switch between apps. Also, I learned this past weekend while traveling up through NH, that Waze will keep directing you if/when you lose signal. I got worried when the signal dropped to nothing, but Waze kept chugging and got us where we needed to

yeah there is. I use and administrate a bigger enterprise network and i use features you have never heard of quite frequently =)

Central vacuum existed for a while now in big houses where they usually have something like this in the kitchen area for quick cleanup. I’ve been to houses that have central vacuum and I gotta say the kitchen sweep vent is the only thing that makes sense about that stupid and expensive setup.

My personal best stands at 35 years, 3 months, 4 days. And counting.

The articles, titles, and grammar keeps getting worse and worse with Gizmodo stories. Typos, misuse of apostrophes, and completely inaccurate titles are becoming the norm. Proofread your work or have the decency to hire an editor!

The sea does indeed look flat. Judging by the turbulence in the water I'm guessing the ship is engaged in a sharp turn.