
Shows nothing from the inside LOL

Additional video captured during the flight:

“...and then a paperclip man on the screen goes “it looks like you’re trying to fly an unpressurized aircraft to 30,000 feet! Shall I go ahead and pressurize it?”

I have two Roamio Tivo DVR’s and 4 Tivo minis in my house and everyone loves them. All the streaming options we need, including Amazon(but we don’t watch much on it). Netflix is used a ton and being able to transfer the recordings to our mobile devices, and stream our recordings outside the house is pretty cool too. 

Did they have a TSA canine?

This happens intermittently when I fly out of Seattle. If the lines are long for the first flights of the day, security is easy to get through. And this is part of what makes me frustrated with passengers who get frustrated with others: Yes, sometimes I’m supposed to do X, Y, and Z at security and sometimes I’m not

White touches brown, calm the hell down
White touches red, run or you’re dead

And the electron pump probably lost its prime.

Simple, they ran it dry and the filter got blocked with sediment. Cars still work that way, right?

Then riddle me this. If the oil viscosity is higher when warm, why do you warm up your engine when doing an oil change? It seems to pour out faster warm.

Whichever motor oil you use, be sure to add when needed.

Curious, at $83k I need to know if it will have the specs that matter

Holy shit this, the guy says someone got killed by the window and there was blood everywhere, but they don’t bother taking any steps correct him with actual info, as exaggerated as it seems. Get it together, guys, this is embarrassing if you’re trying to do actual journalism.

Damn, I thought they were finally gonna fix that bug where you have to specifically right click and run shit as administrator even when you’re logged in as a goddamn administrator.

This is why I keep my passwords analog. On a sticky note under my keyboard is where my password horseballs88 is kept.

You have no idea what you are talking about. While the most common type of vehicle detectors technically operate based on electromagnetic principles, they are not magnetic sensors. What you are referring to, but clearly do not actually understand, are INDUCTIVE loops. An electric current is run through wire loops

I’ve been trying to tell people, these tubes clearly ring a service bell inside the nearest residence.

Now you get a surly individual, usually on a bluetooth headset that’s mad you interrupted his conversation. Check oil? I’d be surprised if they could get the hood open.

Those of us of a certain age will remember that every gas station, (gas station!), had these things. Driving over them would result in a “ding-ding’, which would cause an “attendant” to come out, ask you what grade of gasoline and how much, (“ five bucks, regular”), clean your windshield and check your oil.

So they replaced a quality corded product that will work for hours non-stop for a shitty cordless product that will last as little as 10 minutes on a charge.