
I already have now playing on my lock screen, this is not new this is on my Galaxy S8+ and Galaxy S10+

Why are we calling it Trump’s shutdown? Both sides are responsible for this not just one person.

Good it was overpriced junk, I got one for Christmas when it first came out played with for 5 minutes and then returned it for a refund.

While like others this is totally personal preference and what you do for work. Here is my choice which I’ve been using for 10+ years (older version in previous years) I usually ware out the buttons in a few years and just buy a new one.

While like others this is totally personal preference and what you do for work. Here is my choice which I’ve been

With Microsoft adding Keyboard/Mouse support to Xbox I can see RPG’s becoming more popular on the platform now.

I had the same thought and for those claiming you didn’t read the article, whether you did or not doesn’t matter the title is “I Stepped Into the World’s First Full-Size Hyperloop Capsule” and  yes there is nothing about what the inside looked like or what it might look like, so did you actually step inside or is that

I’m still waiting for them to combine Google Maps and Waze Features into one app. Been how many years since they bought Waze? Whats the hold up.

Saw it over the weekend, expected it to be worse then it was, up until the end I thought ok aliens and then boom ok now we have changed to Terminator where they are protecting young John Connor. Left the end open for a sequel but would be surprised if we ever see one.

I’ve found real regular batteries last a longer per charge then any rechargeable AA I’ve ever tried. It’s too easy and cheap to get AA batteries from Amazon with Prime to be bothered with rechargeables

Spectrum in my area doesn’t have multi-room DVR abilities so I went the TiVo route and it works great for 1 source of recorded OTA shows and being able to watch them anywhere I want even online.

Will this finally be competitve with the apply watch but for Android. I’ve been waiting a long time.

Actually, yes they did right at the start of the queue. It was a blood hound first time I’ve a dog used in a TSA line.  The dog looked like it would of rather been asleep though.

So does Austin TX Airport already have these at one of their checkpoints or is it what I thought that when they get to busy they just throw security into the wind?

About your score: A lower score is better, with ZERO being a perfect score. The circle graph displays the regions of the color spectrum where your hue discrimination is low.

The title of this article is 100% incorrect and should be changed.

This seems wrong something could have changed since you got your GWCL. In Florida even with your permit every gun purchase requires a background check unless it’s a private purchase from an individual.

I just got some Arctic 7's for PC and Xbox One gaming was based on someone recommending them and I think the suck. I have to have my PC volume all the way up to hear anything (no I’m not deaf) and the sound quality is crap. Their support is crap too said they would replace them if I paid for shipping back to them even

How well Apple Watch works ALMOST makes me want to switch to iOS ALMOST

Where there is a Android powered smart watch with same features as the newest apple watch that doesn’t make me look like a tech nerd then I will buy one.