
Like others have said, why are you calling it chip and pin? The only company I know is Target that actaully went chip and pin on their cards. Everyone else it’s chip and signature which doesn’t make anything more secure really. The bigger annoyonce to me while yea it seems like it takes forever is you have no way to

I agree Kinect working is like playing the Lotto. When it works it’s wonderful when it doesn’t you want to smash it. TV Volume vs Game Volume vs Blu-Ray Volume vs Xbox Video Volume is wildly different. Sometimes when watching a Blu-Ray you have to turn up the volume pretty high and then when the movie ends and you go

Who pays $60 for Xbox Live? I’ve been an Xbox Live member since the very first day and I’ve never paid $60. There are $30 deals all the time.

If you change your name to be offensive enough or if you get enough people to report you for your name they will let you change it for free.

Still not enough. I want to say I’m driving from Point A to Point B and then save that data offline so that in the event I lose service during the route at any point I won’t end up lost. Seems like you still need to pick the area yourself.

It will probably suck but since it’s an Apple product the iSheep will buy millions of them :)

I never had a Zune device, but I still have my Zune Music Pass and use my 10 free credits every month. I have a calendar reminder to use them.

.NET is now mostly open source with it’s intent to run on any OS there for being able to develop in 1 languages for all devices iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Windows Desktop, and Xbox One is what they are promising.

1 bullet use, no one fires 1 bullet. This is silly.

Title says “$130 Windows PC-On-A-Stick” what version of windows will run worth a damn on 2GB of RAM, 32GB storage space? Also it will be another $100+ for the windows license so not sure if the title fits.

“America Has lost The War Against Guns” didn’t know there was one. Shouldn’t there be a war on criminals? In your little world do guns go out on their own and kill people. In mine, it’s people that kill people and if they are intent on doing so they are going to do so with or without a gun. The headline could have

Because in your world criminals don’t break the law. Sounds like a great plan.

Do you remember the name of this toy?

Weather prediction is a joke. Let’s take Hurricane Danny, I mean Tropical Store Danny no way Tropical Depression, no wait just some weather. So it was a low and then a depression then a tropical storm and then a level 1 Hurricane. The experts said oh look at all the dry air and wind shear it won’t be more than level

I had a toy as a kid that was this tubed track that had a fan that blew a pod around it. 70’s or 80’s time frame I don’t remember what it was called but loved that thing. the tube was a bottom and top and closed together with little plastic clips.

My first thought is that the company is sued because some parent bought this for their kid and they still drowned in their pool because it still leaves them face down in the pool to drown.

Here is the local news story on this.

For 2 months I’ve been working with MS support to figure out why game saves won’t sync to my Xbox One, they have no clue what they are doing.

Have to agree with this. I always order from Amazon, I’m not charged until it ships and I can cancel at anytime. I did this with Crysis, and then played the beta and then cancelled my order.