
Good job Uber on violating our 2nd amendment rights. No way in hell I would ever consider driving for Uber without protecting myself.

The ability to “Share my drive” with someone is a feature in Waze that GMaps needs to adopt as well. I use that a lot too to let people see where I’m at (mostly GF) when I’m on my way to them or when we are meeting up somewhere.

Says I need an invite guess it’s not really for everyone yet

being able to program a route into google maps and have the entire thing download and saved is what I want. Also when will they merge Google Maps and Waze features together.

And joining the PC to a Windows Domain that’s only in Pro alteast it is in Windows 8.1 vs 8.1 Pro

Have not had a lot of time to toy with it.

Not really have not had much time to toy with it.

Late to the party. I already have a Raspberry Pi 2 B with Windows 10 IoT preview running.

Nothing new here, electric dustpans have been around forever.

Still not working :( so wanted to dive into this. All I get is a download screen with no links to download.

Well personally I think it’s called “Edge” because they have been using that name for a very long time to indicate the compatability mode of IE (also glad they are getting rid of that crap)

From (…)

We you mean Russia right?

I see a sharp decline in work productivity in the future.

Yes you must turn it on or off. I keep the charging cable in my car however because of floating grounds I don’t keep it charging while I’m using it but you can you just get some noise. When you plug it in to be charged it does turn off. So what I do is when I get in the car I unplug it and turn it on. Then when I get

Yes you must turn it on or off. I keep the charging cable in my car however because of floating grounds I don’t keep

I like the idea in the first image of having your airline ticket there that would pretty handy.

That would be my guess as well.

We probably still start at C because idiot programmers still hardcode things into their software to look there.