
If it's bringing foot traffic into your store (put the lockers in the back of the store) and your able to capture some sales you wouldn't capture if the person didn't come to your store at all then yet it's worth it.

I was not able to actually find any of the key points mentioned I must be blind.

Huh what? Big deal your emails from your Gmail account to other email servers are not guaranteed to be encrypted so really this means nothing to me until EVERYONE uses encrypted email connections.

Have never met a solar garden light I liked. They never stay on as long as the manufacture claims and you usually want them in areas that may not get a lot of sun. They never burn very bright. The rechargeable batteries in them always seem to be garbage.

This has the same problem as coin. Neither support Chip and Pin which the credit card companies want in place by 2015.

Rest in peace you didn't event ship your first card before you will now be obsolete :)

For that price it better have a nicer band

I see nothing new here (except maybe for the shower) but I've seen water heaters installed at the faucets before so that you get instant hot water.

"A genius guy invented the perfect machine to make a single cookie"

So where is the perfect machine that makes a single cookie? All I saw was a machine dump some ingredients in a bowl. He still had to stir and bake it himself. Which the cookies looked like crap probably because he is not a baker. To me no single

I have nothing nice to say about the author or this article other then it should be deleted.

I hope they have fixed all the stuff they broke. Ever since the last update the inbox has been horrible which it's name change and the inability to delete shit. On top of it never telling you when you got new messages.

"chambering button?" LOL Thank you that made my day. Guns don't have chambering buttons they have slide locks which are for locking the slide back not chambering a round. I hope you don't own a gun it sounds like you don't know what your doing and could end up hurting someone or yourself.

Hmm I don't see where they are actually offering this. All the links I've found that are supposed to link to it say that I'm not eligible.

OMG!!! You discovered nothing new. LOL

The problem is though the final product will end up not looking like the submission just like the Back to the Future Delorean

Looks like Global Thermal Nuclear War and the US is losing.

My dad has a printer that was giving him problems so he figured out if he went back a one windows restore point that it would fix it. It would eventually come back and he would do it again. Finally he got this brilliant idea that if he went all the way back to the first one that it would really fix it. Well yes Dad

How is Lowes 15, I call BS