
Funny how many miss informed people there are that comment. There is no release date for xbox one other then November. I'd be willing to bet MS was waiting on Sony to show their cards. I also suspect Xbox One will be released November 5th. COD Ghosts for Xbox One is being released November 5th and I can't see

I avoid UPS like the plaque because of how often they damage stuff. I hate that Amazon is in bed with UPS and refuses to ship to me via FedEx. In the end it costs Amazon more money because of all the damaged and lost packages by UPS.

Pretty sure I've seen cars that already do this on the display in front of you just without the vibrating part.

I've always uses my hands for this method my mom showed me and my sister 30 years ago how to do this.

I stand corrected. They make more then I thought but I still think I've read even on Gizmodo about how Lego does not make anything military.

What shocks me is the number of ecomerence sites that ask you what kind of card it is or when calling in a Pizza order they ask as well when it has always been there right in the number.

Lego does not make anything military if you think they do you need to prove it to me because I have never see any set come with any military guns.

How is this different then the Motorola Razer Maxx and Razer Maxx HD that they already had?

Looks horrible :(

Hmm Lego doesn't make guns. I don't think they make camo helmets either.

If you need these to cook your meat sticks your an idiot and shouldn't be cooking.

BoA is pure evil, when I lost my job and then the wife we asked for their help. They sure did help they refinanced our home to 3 times the monthly payment causing us to be unable to pay. Thanks BoA glad my tax dollars helped you out but you did nothing but screw me.


How do people afford to pay for all these lego's

So these would go around building and raise up when waters flooded everything protecting the building.

The burning of rings into disc's is a real thing and has been around a long time and is not just limited to the XBox S it has happened with all models that are able to stand on their side. And it's not just the standing on the side that's the problem it's when they are verticle and they are bumped or jarred in any

Would rather have something I can just buy and configure and go. I've not done any Linux stuff in 20+ years.

Saved some people from wasting $1500 on something I don't see going anywhere really.

What does having a patent have to do anything? Your logic Bill Gates didn't rip anything off from anyone then cause they didn't have a patent on it. Yea ok!