Mr. GOH!

I’m getting some strange mid-90's Encarta Encyclopedia vibes that I can’t shake off.

I get it and applaud the honesty. I appreciate people who know they don’t want kids so they don’t bother having them. I know plenty of parents who should never have had kids.

I used to legitimately worry about my pot habit when I was young. Not enough to give it up, of course, but I at least tried to pay attention to where wanting to chill out and listen to some music or whatever might be getting in the way of goals.

I had a manager years ago that tried making fun of me for going to play video games. I had to remind him that I was going to the home I own where my wife and child live, driving in a car I paid off to play games. I asked how is apartment was and how rough the dating scene had become. He did not have a response oddly

As someone who spends at least a little time each week playing video games and watching porn, it does my heart good to know that I’m a disappointment to Josh Hawley.

So far this game has been pretty frustrating for me. Started with a buddy last night, we tried public at first but the randos we were with ran right through the level and didn’t ping anything on the way so we were left scrambling to keep up. We switched to a private lobby so we could try and enjoy the experience and

It’s weird to see MADTV’s Debra Wilson become a go-to mocap actress in video games. She was definitely the MVP of that show for me.

There are people who would like to see friends of mine dead and Chappelle has declared he stands with them.

Yeah I’d give Dave a bit of leeway on the jokes. That’s not to say they aren’t offensive to people. Heck I watched the special and at times looked at the audience and could tell from their faces they were, at the very least, unimpressed with them. That’s jokes; some work, some don’t.

I’ve been pretty impressed with Xbox Cloud Streaming but you're 100% right. It works in a pinch but for pretty action heavy games it's just inconsistent enough that you're not gonna be enjoying it as much as the real thing.

Yeah, but Fallout 4 had over 400,000 lines of dialogue.

As others have said, he does motion capture as well. And as someone who has had relatives go through some combination of the procedures he’s mentioned, he was looking at 2-3 months of rehab MINIMUM just to walk normally again.

How did I never connect that Teal’c voices Kratos?

The most important thing is his health. Screw the game. Fix yourself first.

I mean...since they went with a lot of MoCap stuff, and the direction it went...Judge makes a more imposing figure than Carson....not to mention his voice is (in my opinion) a far better fit for the newer, older Kratos

Damn that’s a lot of surgery, and a lot of recovery, I’m hoping everything went well and he’s feeling much better. God of War wouldn’t have been the same without him, he nailed an older, weary Kratos, he brought a real gravitas to the roll, he had real pain and emotion in his voice. Ragnarok would be a bit disappointin

Poor Arkane.

Skinheads have been trying to infiltrate about every music scene that wasn’t dominated by people of color for at least the past 40+ years. Growing up, I remember a common theme of every local show (alt, metal, punk, etc.) was the curb stomping of a skinhead or two that tried to show up and start spouting off.

I’ve always approved of ICP just because they target a demographic (poor white rural males) that’s otherwise at extremely high risk of becoming racist right-wing shitheads