
You got it all wrong. American trucks all look the same.

And on all other platforms!

That's why I added the "..."...

I knew Austrians can't spell Januar, but Nougat too? C'mon...

Don't do porn fan art. It's really that simple.

I don't pay for bad service. I'm not getting paid if I don't do my job right. But maybe that's just me being European and stuff ( the average tip in Northern Europe is about 7,5%)

In a democracy, the policemen would have been in real trouble for that.

Yeah, but they're also quick to deny any form of endorsement.

"What? We there's no deal between us and Microsoft. Don't be ridiculous. We just like to post stuff about Forza. A lot..."

You forgot about VW's Mk3 Golf rock band edition.

You still can't compare it to traditional road courses. Racing the Ring in the rain in a 400hp RWD with 250 other cars on the track is leagues above Indy, especially as an amateur.

It would fit on his t-shirt though.

They cross the boarder in swarms to buy cheap alcohol.

Oh, how I miss the sonic booms of the SR-71's over Jutland.

If we had another McRae in WRC, all manufacturers would have left. People say Latvala crashes a lot (and he does), but McCrash was on another level.

The MP4-12C simply didn't sell as a good as they expected.


Am I the only person whose first thought when Deep Silver is mentioned is "Oh shit, Koch Media".

The VT 1

"former Formula 1 champion"