
The only thing I understand less than the question are the answers.

I still don't totally understand that question. I do, but then I don't.

Yes, Tyler, I'm sure some of your best friends are VTOL... ◔_◔


I thought it was just Trogdor!!

Now that I think about it, Payday 2 could use an airport heist..

All that time playing Payday 2 is paying off nicely.

Now playing

I'm not really sure, but this is all I can think of every time he says it:

Hold on guys he's German. What wisdom of physics do the Germans possess that we haven't gotten here in the states yet?

Sorry, I forgot gasoline distillation created energy out of nothingness.

Hmm yes between landing this plane on this utterly secured airfield and disembarking the troops and vehicles involved, or scattering them so wide it takes a day for the ones that did jump (<100 percent) to gather, I know which one I want to do in the first stages of a shooting war so I can put that little wreath on my

My cousin's husband also works there, I believe.

... You're not my cousin, are you?!

If you lift, you can't get that awesome sleek F1 driver body.

This is a very well-written piece of fiction and definitely tries to get into the mind of the other person to make them "not a villain." However, I don't think suing god and everyone is going to help the case any.

Ha, Moin!

Protip: Never start a post with "I don't want to be offensive/rude, but..."