
That is really awesome.

Your last name is Eisenbeis? Seriously?

Go home Quinns, you're drunk.

I'm German and we don't have signs that say "dogs and arabs not allowed".

No, it's like buying a used car. Nobody seems to be having problems with that.

I'm just saying that this kinda play is open for interpretation because the FIFA rules aren't clearly defined. Refs in Germany will almost always book you for that + the penalty.

I enjoyed The Walking Dead a lot. It has some of the best writing I've seen in video games and was by far the best Telltale tiltle to this date. And though I can relate to the characters losing friends and family it's still very much "just a game". Maybe it's because I'm not really an emotional person.

That would have been a pretty clear penalty in Germany and Spain.

If you're a decent musician and you're not a conductor there's absolutely no reason to look at your fellow musicians.

I've played 4th tier football in Germany (not really impressive, but well, it's actually not bad considering the 7 million organised players here) and you always get booked for that kinda play, no matter if Bundesliga or 10th tier.

That's not how it works though. You can't go around chopping off legs saying "but I hit the ball first!"

Wait, I always thought the fascia is the dashboard area.

I don't know, I just never had the urge to cry about something fictional. Be it books, movies or games.

Did you miss Le Mans this year?

You are aware of Germany's rep regarding pretty much everything sexual? And yes, you can legally have intercourse with animals as long as you don't break any animal cruelty laws.

Yes, some of the people were involved with Interplay/Black Isle (Chris Taylor for example created S.P.E.C.I.A.L together with Tim Cain)

And btw, check out their live album. It doesn't get any better than that.

I love you, Dick Valentine.

So you want to stay in the matrix?

And why does everyone from a European country claim that their country has the best beer? I only ever see Belgians claiming the best beer is from Belgium, same with Czechs, Poles, Germans, Danes, Swedes, Austrians, Slovaks, Dutch (even Italians!)