It’s “Perlman.” How is pointing out the point missing the point? You can stick your fingers in your ears and close your eyes and pretend all you want, but it’s still a Hellboy movie. Trollhunters? It’s fine.
It’s “Perlman.” How is pointing out the point missing the point? You can stick your fingers in your ears and close your eyes and pretend all you want, but it’s still a Hellboy movie. Trollhunters? It’s fine.
Do you know about the Hellboy movie they’re making, literally right now? Or not? Granted, it’s not starring Perlman.
“...god knows if we’ll ever get another Hellboy.”
“Comments on this video are disabled.”
Who are you, to tell me what I am not?
The Virtual Console ought be to be MOBILE. There’s no reason we can’t already be playing NES and SNES games on our phones. Would you pay $3 to $5 or even $10 to play Super Metroid or A Link To The Past on your iPhone?
Ok, thanks?
This review is awful, in woeful need of an editor. If I wanted a caffeinated meathead bro review of Avengers: Infinity War I’d have asked my supermarket barista what he thought.
Ace Combat doesn’t simulate flight?
That’s interesting. Thanks. I didn’t even know it was in the pipe.
I just googled it and it looks Ace Combat 7 is coming at the end of year?
I agree with you, that Ace Combat should be on this list. So it’s action oriented and fun to play, not super boring and punishingly difficult, so what? I say Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X. belongs on this list. Maybe save them for the greatest console flight games?
Not a single Ace Combat game, let alone the entire series? That seems like quite the omission. And no mention of Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X. No, I’m not being sarcastic.
Perhaps the MOST overrated donut shop ever?
“Little mama...” JFC, who calls a baby that?
I mean, you’re typing this, not speaking it, so you can put actual quotes around “now” and we’d all know what you meant. FFS.
The Arcade Mode was like, constantly, touted as FC5's new answer to multiplayer. It’s fairly obvious on the packaging, too. So you’re upset that you can’t play the online multiplayer mode on a console without a online subscription like Playstation Plus?
So, what’s your point? A reference for sake of a reference? Standards are so low these days.
I’m going to pronounce it “storm eye,” okay? Thanks, bye.