self-promotional bullhorn
self-promotional bullhorn
Right! Maybe a self-promotional bullhorn?
Maybe it’s just me, but I think it is always too hard to tell whether or not DJ Khaled has contributed to a particular track or not....if only he could give us some kind of hint or a calling card or something.
I haven’t seen the video, but I assume it’s just DJ Khaled pour the liquor and chanting his name over the familiar melody of Snap Crackle and Pop
If there is a “diewithout ever seeing your attacker” challenge, this would work for me.
If Kanye wants to sit around pretending that black girls want to be Kim instead of the other way around, then that’s his business. The rest of us however will never forget those six months he dressed Kim up as a Beyonce clone.
And yet, here you are, not-reading away on it, and just scrolling on down to the comments section for some reason to try to start arguments.
Is there a reason why the Ace Combat series is not on this list? ESPECIALLY 4-6 (That’s AC4: Shattered Skies, AC5: The Unsung War, ACZero: The Belkan War, and AC6: Fires of Liberation, for those who don’t already know)
The context is that this boy willingly brought cameras to a forest known for nothing but suicide with the intention of filming a dead body. Aokigahara has no real attraction for going to it. It has no wildlife viewing areas, no paths to scenic vistas, or interesting plant life. It is a local forest that if you see…
H3H3 is a shining beacon of decent people in the Youtube sea of shitbags.
Dude, just give it up. Arnheim’s beaten you. He not only pointed out the flaws in you arguments, he also showed you what argumentative techniques you un/knowingly were applying with surgical precision. Your arguments so dead it can’t even come back as a zombie.
I’ve found there is literally only one type of person who uses the SJW acronym, and that’s a dudebro who likely has little to no social interaction outside of the internet, spends most of his time screaming at his tv or computer monitor, claims he voted for Donald Trump (but didn’t actually vote at all). His internet…
when are you going to learn that Social Justice Warrior is not a pejorative?
let me guess: is this about ethics in YouTube Journalism?
This guy really should be banned from Youtube. He’s the lowest common denominator of YT “celebs.” Dude faked being colorblind in one of his videos- what the hell man?
Mind if I just go ahead and copy your posts for a unit on sophistry?
Oh, and irony, too; that whole “I’m going to comment on what I assume your emotional state must be, but you’re the one projecting” bit was gold.
...and there’s the Red Herring/Strawman combo!
Dude, seriously, trying to deflect from the content of the article by saying, “Well, if they’re going to cover this, obviously they should cover houses, too,” and then seeking to cover your ass with a further, “Wait, but you must’ve included arcades in a statement that was…
X-Wing VS. TIE Fighter.
In all sincerity I still don’t know why there hasn’t been any online space-flight Star Wars game since. The game is still remarkable with HD textures.
No Ace Combat? Is there an actual reason for that (I know it’s more of a combat flight sim that just a straight-up flight sim), or was it just overlooked?