
It keeps me from getting random dick pics. I only want dick pics from people I actually know. 

Olivia Munn as a science teacher?? That is almost as bad as Mark Walburg as a science teacher.

So.... you hate replay because.... they got it right? You hate it because it worked? I mean... he was clearly out. Sounds like you are more of a Tigers fan than a “sports blogger”.

3 consoles in 3 years?

The NRA pays politicians ON BOTH SIDES to DO NOTHING about gun violence. All that they can offer victims are prayers. Because they are paid to not actually address the issue and take action. Is any of this sinking in at all? Do you need a crayon drawing or something to help you understand?

You missed the point entirely while ignorantly speaking to my personal beliefs and levels of faith that you know nothing of. My point is the NRA pays them to do NOTHING BUT “PRAY”! They are saying “We are going to nothing about this because we are paid not to. May God have mercy on your soul when it is taken by a

The problem here is that the “thoughts and prayers” are paid for by the NRA so that these politicians can say they care with out taking action. These people were in church praying already when they were murdered and all these hypocrites can only offer more useless prayers while denying them any kind of action that may

In all fairness, having the Xbox 1 X come out after buying an Xbox 1 or Xbox 1 S is EXACTLY like M$ punching you in the balls.

You really should be ashamed of yourself for likening what Spacey has been doing to a Showrunner making changes to a show. It was kind of a dick move the way it was done but in no way, shape, or form should it be made to sound like some sort of forced sexual assault situation. When you equate (or even try to appear

I posted this on another Thor article but it works better here because it is the ONLY question that NEEDS an answer!

Can someone explain to me how Thor, the God of Thunder, who channels lightning at will, can be incapacitated by electric shocks? Whilst channeling lightning no less....

I do entire playthroughs using only the plasma cutter. Best. Weapon. Ever.

This was initially to be called “Superior Race VS Animal Squad”.

So, it is like GameFly but way more expensive, only 1 game at a time, you have to go to the physical store, get harassed to pre-order something, only pick from games that people have already traded in and be subjected to a particular store’s availability of quality titles? SOUNDS GREAT!

He clearly knows coding languages better than the English language.

I was kinda “meh” about this game. Was going to probably pick it up on sale at some point. Saw that tweet.... pre-ordered. That there is how you market yo shit!

Yes he did and no it isn’t. The “G” in GIF stands for “Graphical”. A hard G. That should not change with the pronunciation of the abbreviation. Anyone who pronounces it “Jiff” is talking about peanut butter and should be immediately dismissed from the conversation.

I was enjoying the video until your repeated mispronunciation of “GIF” forced me to stop.

There needs to be less Barry hate and more Iris hate. Seriously. She is annoying AF!

I thought this guy was a paid mascot. He just some rando in a mask?? BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!