
I was a porter when I got “promoted” to sales after accidentally selling a car just by telling a customer (who was purposefully avoiding a salesman) what I liked about it. 3 years after that I was wishing I had stayed a porter.  

I sold cars for 3 years at 8 different dealerships (focus on new). 1 dealer I was at for 1 year and 1 of those dealers I had left and came back to in that span. Unless you are the best of the best, you are useless and treated as such. There is always someone willing to take your place and you are treated as such. Each

I never thought I would say this, but this game should only be bought used. The DEVs shipped it broken and then abandoned it. They don’t deserve to make anymore $ from it.

I never thought I would say this, but this game should only be bought used. The DEVs shipped it broken and then

I would say it is pretty safe to go a head and slap the racist tag on this guy. If that is what your brain defaults to “in the heat of the moment” then it is in your brain quite a bit. That coupled with his storied history of “mistakes”.... yup he racist. He may not be Mel Gibson level racist but he getting there.

I have 0 interest in Minecraft but it looks waaaaaay better that the Project Scorpio design. That’s some laziness right there. Green lettering and a stand? Why bother? Oh yeah, that’s right.... create a sense of urgency and pad pre-order numbers.

To say they are losing profits over this particular hack and episodes being leaked is a bit of a stretch. Anybody who is torrenting shows from HBO and not subscribing are never going to subscribe anyway. Also, those who are subscribing aren’t going to suddenly stop and just start torrenting now (OK maybe a few but

Loks like he is mid-vinegar strokes.

I hope the set has both full Voltron and the 5 lions seperate also. Otherwise I will have to buy 2 sets.

This is essentially very thinly veiled scalping. Bundling a bunch of crap nobody wants to justify the increased price. Shameful, but not quite as shameful as a promotion by a local used game/comic book store holding a “raffle” for a Switch. $10 a spot, 100 spots available effectively selling the Switch for $1,000.

This whole article reeks of butt-hurt. If you had gotten one on pre-order last night, you would not have written this. Any one familiar with Nintendo’s history would know that they short demand on consoles intentionally. With the NES Classic is was even more so because A. It was indented to be a limited run, and B.

Why dosen’t Nederlander ask his former partners for help? I am sure that the other Amigos Lucky Day and Dusty Bottoms could help.

Why does Nintendo hate money so much?

Emma Stone. That is all.

You can have an open world game with side quests that are interesting and worth doing or at leat enteratining. GTA5 did that pretty well. A lot of the Andromeda ones are just going to a nav point to read a data pad or something like that. They do nothing to add to the plot or reward the player in any way. It is just

This game seems overstuffed with pointless side beats. I apprecite the content but as a “completionist” it is really more of a grind than anything else.

The question shouldn’t be “where are muh deleted scenes?” the question should be “Where is muh 4K version?”

I would have thought that Draymond would have liked the whole game to be “silent”. It would allow him to hear the screams and moans of his dick-kicking victims.

Actually she is happy with anyone remembering her name for anything.

“I was gifted these pickels” made up for the Yar’s Revenge being played in widescreen format.

Let’s be real here. the only reason for this post was to be able to put “Massive Dong” in the headline. Not judging, jut sayin...