The weekend series against the Rays will be played at the Trop...
The weekend series against the Rays will be played at the Trop...
I guess you must have had experience with a bad group/ club. I run with some groups who take safety and passing by point very seriously ! Unless you do something stupid, the chances of crashing your car is not so common as you would imagine ( i.e as long as you know your & your car's limit)
“Let he who hast attended multiple track days and not spun out cast the first lugnut.” From “ “St. Mario’s letters to the corner workers,” Chapter 11, verse 5.
Oh, you can get black flagged - but nobody did anything black flag worthy in this video, just brown underwear worthy.
Well at least they under/oversteered on a race track and not the public roads...
This is often done on purpose, so that the car jumps to the top of the list at either end. This is why you’ll also see a lot of $1 F-150s and such. Then they have some disclaimer about how the dealer has the ability to change the price at any time.
It’s an annoying spammy tactic of getting your car to the top of the page. If you sort by price, its artificially high price brings it to the top which sucks big floppy donkey dick and the maker of those ads should go and suck aforementioned phallus
I see these listings all the time. They are meant so that when sorting cars by price, they come up first. Like calling your business AAAAAA Plumbing to be first in the phonebook. Not that people still use those.
I guess they’ll need some special train-ing to deal with that one.
I’ve heard that tornados sound like freight trains sometimes but this is ridiculous.
Haha, nope, no BeaveRun. We’re getting serious now, we even have an ex-Red Bull marketing guy who is working on making it look like a real track with some sponsor signage on the buildings.
Definitely come out and do the karts! Starting in May we’ll be open every day 12-8pm. Mondays and Tuesdays are the slowest days at…
In that case there is a relatively high chance that kid was me.
I went karting once and a skinny 16 year old kid with his fat dad beat me both for fastest lap and average lap speed on an already off day for me. It sent me into a 2 month depression.
“I need a flying license.”
“Whereas four-door cars would have odd numbers, because odd numbers are the only other type of numbers, after you’ve assigned all the even numbers to two-door cars.”
If you've ever driven down a straight road and felt a huge dead spot in the response of your steering wheel, or…