
For whatever reason, I can get into this. And i’m not either a Harley or Prius guy. This is like the ultimate troll car.

That’s the joke.

... If you provide the cars, I could potentially do that column in about 9ish months...

I don’t have the money to hire someone for this. They are working on a solution, I believe, since it is frustrating.

Just to add on to what mushashi said, I think you guys should create some sort of system for people to be ungrayed. Maybe hire someone who can review comments and ungray people? Or maybe make a request button that allows someone to request to be ungrayed and then afterward a moderator sees the request and then chooses

So like Kotaku video game reviews. I like it.

Thank you...
2 wheels...was never bad.
But now my handle is just a statement and not a counter argument.

Just imagine if the stewards got wind of how Long Beach turns 1 and 2 usually go in a multi-player game of Forza.

You forget yourself my friend...

Without watching the vid, I say no way. It’s basically an R8, so not a chance. I’m sure the Huracan is a great car, but it’s too grown up and reserved. Murcielago is still my fav Lambo ever

Needs to be urban camo.

The perpetrator...

No, rejecting. “Fuck you, Edlebrock, WE’RE FINISHED, and I never loved you. That’s right, I’m leaving you for Holley!”

So a “Tune” (the modification that sees the biggest power gains, especially on turbo cars) is what they are wanted to make illegal? You know what, if I want to grenade my engine in the search of power, that’s my business. I’ve never expected a manufacture to warranty anything in the driveline after an ECU flash, and I

I reject your carburetor and substitute my own.

What a cock smoker... I've totally never done that to a friend while waiting at a stoplight... Nope... Not once....

Add lightness (remove aircraft carrier) + LS swap = profit

Many Bothans died to get this post out.

Rossi was riding with the extra hard rear, Marquez last minute switched from the extra hard rear to the hard rear in hopes that he could build a large enough lead early in the race and manage the deteriorating rear tire towards the end of the race.