

I thought for sure I was going to be disappointed with the end of that video. That big hole right there, perfect for him to fall into. It just seemed too good to actually happen, but then it did! All was right with the world.

While I vehemently disagree with our narrator's repeated "woman drivers!" exclamations because I'm not a mouth-breather, this video of trials and eventual victory was too good not to post. Apparently she'd been going for twenty minutes before the video starts, and it takes her another 13 to get her car into the spot.

little better viewpoint.

Zero fucks.

The best automotive lies were the ones from people in high school . The deceit was obvious but nearly impossible to disprove.

I agree. I kept waiting for the kid to be truly and epic-ly shitty based on the setup, and then when I got to it all I could think was, "that's it?" and then the kid didn't send it back or be a dick about it? This kid just sounds kind of dumb, and the OP sounds like s/he's projecting.

Geez that first story. Unless it's Hitler's Mercedes, egging somone's car makes YOU the asshole. So now it's just the story of two assholes being shitty. I want a refund.

Well, I felt that the server was projecting a lot onto the kids. She decided they were snobby and she didn't like them, so when the kid was genuinely confused, she interpreted it as malice and disdain. How much of an asshole can the kid be if he ate a burger she describes as "barely edible" without the slightest

contrary he's well liked and he's shook up the automotive journalism. I myself and many others like it. Rock on Mr. Clarkson. However people who do not like it are the the bosses at places like VW and other markets they do not like the exposure he's given them and their brands so Im sure there has been a push to get

Is this the beginning of a new Jalopnik-meme, like goddamn Bob?

Last night at the Ace cafe london

My favorite was when a friend of mine had a buddy who was selling his car, plates covered in the listing. "I don't want anybody just knowing who I am," he says.

Goddamnit Doug. It's about time you did something useful.

This is right up there with ripping off your name and address from magazines before you toss them. My mother in law was terrified she would let one slip through. You know, because that's how serial killers pick their victims. "Hmmm, Jenn has a subscription to National Geographic and her address is right here?

the worst part of identity theft: the emotional toll.

cops, lawyers, process servers, DMV employees

On a flight back from Chicago to London last weekend, our pilot drew this beaut while in a holding pattern. What a dude.