Yeah between the "prototype" status and vague tire info this claim is entirely pointless.
Yeah between the "prototype" status and vague tire info this claim is entirely pointless.
tires tires tires tires tires tires tires
I'm not comparing the two cars in anything but the initial purchase price. If I said you could buy an iPad for the same price as a blender, I'm not insinuating that an iPad can dice carrots.
Thats how you F**king cross shop.
...are you new here?
Let's play "guess who owns a Focus ST"...
Easy oversight, as that comma shouldn't even be there. . .
Got to admit, I read it as 57,993 to start with :)
it's 57 of the 993 GT2 road cars.
Yeah well...yeah
not to be a dick, but were you hammered when you proofread this? There's like 15 superfluous commas and some very strange grammar. I only mention it because your writing is usually very strong. Also, the want is incredibly strong with this one. Panorama this month had a feature on 993 GT2s and Euro-only RSs...…
this is one of only 57, 993 GT2 road cars.
10/10 for your abbreviations
Yeah, that comma after the 57 is superfluous and confusing. It doesn't need to be there.
Just based on pictures, I kind of like the older one better. Plus, I'm also a little disappointed they didn't keep the side blades in their full form. Oh well, the depreciation may speed up a little bit now.
I dunno. I kinda like the current design better. :-/
Well, that confirms it. I like the old one a lot better. Front end looks better and the full side-blades look better than the split ones.
I like the outgoing model much better. As you said, the side blades were such a striking bit of design.
In all honesty, this solidified it. It's uglier. Less unique. Do not want.