
For purely selfish reasons, I'm glad Tiff didn't have more successful racing career. I don't want to live in a world without Tiff reviewing road cars.

Tiff Needel is the man.

OK I have been in this business for roughly a decade now. Before these systems became more commonplace the costs of repos were astronomical. There are several benefits to these systems and NONE of them perform like the the linked article claims.

No one disabled her car, the lender disabled the lenders car, she doesn't have a car.

Say what?

This list is erroneous as C4 out ranks C5 and C6 which is not possible in any universe.


Can you get a prius owner to rant at you for how bad your car is for the environment?

Simple, because at the speeds they were traveling, the any part of the cord he wasn't holding down would have been blown straight back in the airstream. In an episode full of implausible, this was one of the things they actually got right.

Shit, I can't believe it's happening now.

Imagine telling a Ferrari fan in 1989 that there will be a 4wd Ferrari hatchback with 50% more power than the F40.


*Calls to Order*

5. This Former Woman Is Racing's Most Powerful Man

funny, I don't remember going to the weather channel

The Mid-Engined Corvette: This Is It

Wtf did I just witness

Nope nope nope nope nope. Estoque FTW!

"Nope - I'm lost" is generally something you don't want to hear from your codriver

Funny how the same state that labels their citizens criminals for owning a non-modified AR-15 "assault rifle" (it's not) turns around and says that their M-16s are "Essential life saving items".