Moxie Six
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Nothing scared me more when I was a kid than Children of the Corn. My parents couldn't find a babysitter and figured I'd sleep through it since I was only five at the time, but sleep never came. That is, until later, when it brought corn-filled nightmares with it.

I'm really looking forward to the fourth film in the franchise, "Segways."

I was scrolling through the comments just to see if anyone else remembered this particular Barbie. Those shoulders are incredible.

[Mox's face burns with embarrassment.] Drop Dead Diva.

It was a god awful book and I was sorry to have wasted part of a gift card on it so I wouldn't be worried about what channel it was on. That being said, uhhhh, I actually like one show on Lifetime. It's super goofy but it's extremely innovative in it's own way.

It's beautiful, Edifice. You did a fantastic job. I was bragging about you on Pinterest a few weeks ago when someone posted the image.

Folk! I haven't seen you around here for years. How've you been?

Gosh, it just breaks my heart. I definitely think she be allowed to choose when they end, especially those dying from horrible diseases. Why force them to continue living through the excruciating pain and suffering just so they can die from it later on?

Ha! You beat me to the punch.

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Wait, wait, wait. Didn't this documentary already come out in 1996, buhhhhh-dy?

My thoughts exactly, sister.

I love 'em too! As for who would be dangling, I think a young Indy would do quite nicely. :D

"...that's when I know she's gonna be pissed when she wakes up for terrible things I did to her in her dreams..."

Nice! This one is still my favorite gif, though.

MWAHAHAHAH! Bring on the tar and feathers.

I'm just come out and say it. I've never dared mentioning it online before but here goes nothing.

Is that Ray Liotta at :19?

SPOILER ALERT - In a very touching scene, Scotty discovers this little guy isn't an alien, but a little person with an untreated form of Epidermodysplasia verruciformis.

I bet you wouldn't turn up your nose at teriyaki surgeon jerky if you were hungry.