Moxie Six

Don't forget about the surgeon finger sandwiches

Good catch, Godmars. That definitely explains it!

WHAT?! Has the world gone mad? MST3K may have been funny but there was no richly detailed back story, no heart, no white tulip. Have you all forgotten about the excellence that was Walter, Peter, Olivia, Fauxlivia, Astrid and the rest on Fringe? What about the cow, people? Dear God, Gene alone deserves your vote!

Did those Stormtroopers go to the Ewok School for Hammy Body Language? Vader must have significantly lowered his standards for guards.

Your sister's theory totally works!

Stang! Where's the love for my favorite space pirate? Have you all forgotten who did the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs? Han Solo, people!

What I don't get is how the Henry grew up. If the rest of the townspeople were in a Groundhog loop, how did Henry never notice his classmates didn't age? Henry couldn't have been spelled not to notice because he was aware enough to figure out they were all story tale characters.

That's exactly why I nominated her! It was the character makeover that was tragic.

Dude. Give a girl some coverage and pants she doesn't have to pick out of her nether regions if she just scoots around in her seat.

I bet there was a whole gallon of glue involved in the application of that thing.

Actually, I was referring to the character makeover with the whole whiny woe is me thing but I do hate the pants. The bustiere is pretty fun, though.

I'm surprised no one's mentioned the version of Diana sobbing over boys while eating ice cream and complaining about the size of her action figure's bosom.

You have my vote. This incarnation of Superboy was RIDICULOUS. For some reason, what really pushes it over the edge for me is not the two belts but the haircut. That looked horrible even in the 90s.

Died a lot earlier, one would assume.

I didn't but I think I knew he was friends with Green and the gang. I also loved him as Olaf on Buffy.

Sheedy works as Leia, too!

Aren't bidets... I dunno, an extra step toward cleanliness and not meant as a replacement? Unless there's some sort of power washer setting or something.

Seriously. Reusable diapers are feasible because their facilities set up to handle the biohazards as fecal matter can host all sorts of nasties, e Coli being just one common problem. The home washer, drier, and water heater simply aren't designed to sanitize reusable toilet wipes.

Au contraire, if he were a true supporter of the cause he would know about the ridiculousness that is reusable toilet paper available on Etsy. o.0

Weird Science's Gary (Anthony Michael Hall) as Threepio.